
发布 2022-12-14 13:45:28 阅读 2753

unit 5 topic one

1. look excited 看起来兴奋,激动。

2. feel happy / disappointed感到高兴/ 失望。

3. taste delicious/ good 尝起来美味。

4. sound wonderful / sweet / great


5. smell terrible 闻起来恶心

6. go mad / bad 发疯/变坏

7. turn green / yellow 变成绿色/黄色。

8. be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎。

9. seem ( to be ) unhappy 似乎不高兴。

10. seem to do sth. 似乎做, 好像做。

11. go to the movies = go to see the movie

去看电影。12. invite/ ask sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事。

13. invite sb. to + sp. 邀请某人去/ 参加…

14. one of + 最高级+ pl. 最…之一。

15. prepare sth for sb = prepare sb. sth.


16. prepare to do sth. 准备做。

17. say thanks / hello / sorry / goodbye to sb

向某人说声谢谢/ 你好/抱歉/再见。

18. what a shame / pity. 真遗憾。

19. get / buy the ticket to / for 买到…的票。

20. be able to do = can / could do 能够做…

21. will be able to do 将会做…

22. on the / one’s way to 在去往…的路上

23. on the way home / here / there


24. right now / away = at once 立即,马上。

25. feel / be sorry for ( doing )sth

为 (做)某事感到抱歉/遗憾/难过。

26. be angry with sb. 对某人生气。

27. just now = a moment ago 刚才(用于过去时)

28. care for = take care of = look after 照顾。

29. because of +n. 因为…,由于…

30. because + 句子因为…,由于…

31. cheer sb up = make sb. happy


32. at last = in the end = finally 最后,最终。

33. at the end of… 在…的末尾/尽头。

34. at first 起初,开始smiling faces 笑脸。

35. noisy children 吵闹的孩子们。

36. lovely songs 活泼的歌曲。

37. live alone 独居 be / feel lonely 感到孤独。

38. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做。

39. teach oneself sth. =learn sth. by oneself 自学…

40. come into being = be born 出现,形成。

41. fall into 落入,掉入 look for 寻找。

42. everywhere = here and there 到处。

43. be with a history of 200 years = h**e a history of 200 years =h**e 200 years of history有着两百年的历史。

44. come into being = be born 形成。

45. come from = be from 来自。

46. more and more + n. /原级越来越来…

47. be / become interested in ( doing ) sth.


48. make peace with sb 与某人和解。

49. find a way to do / of doing sth.


50. it seems / seemed that + 句子。

主语+seems / seemed to be / do似乎…,好像…

it seems that he likes sports.

he seems to like sports.

51. he didn’t go to school because he was ill.

= he didn’t go to school because of his illness.

52. what …for ? why… ?为什么…?

53. what do you think of…? how do you like …?

topic 2

1. do badly in = be bad at 在一方面做得差。

2. do well in ( doing ) be good at ( doing )

do sth. well 擅长于(做)

3. be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求。

4. be strict in / about sth. 对某事严格要求。

5. talk with sb. =h**e a talk with sb. 与某人交谈。

6. a friend to talk with 一个交谈的朋友。

7. thank sb. for doing sth. 为…而感谢。

8. be / feel worried about = worry about

为…而担心, 担心…

9. be / get lost 丢失,失踪。

10. don’t need to do = don’t h**e to do

= needn’t do sth. 不必做某事。

11. send sth. to sb. =send sb. sth. 送…给某人。

12. take it easy 放轻松,别紧张。

13. word harder 更加努力学习 do better做得更好。

14. try ( not ) to do sth 尽力(不)做某事。

15. try / do one’s best to do sth


16. good luck 好运 be lucky to do sth.幸运做…

17. fail ( not pass ) the exam 考试不及格

18. fail to do sth. 未能做, 没有做。

19. at one’s age 在某人的年龄。

20. at the age of… =when sb. was / were…

在…岁时 at one’s age 在某人的年龄。

21. be one’s friend = make friends with sb.


22. tell a joke / story = tell jokes / stories 讲笑话。

23. make / let sb do sth. =get sb. to do sth. 使某人做。

24. be sure (that ) 句子确信…

be sure to do 一定会做。

25. by the way 顺便问一下。

26. in the same way 用同样的方法。

27. in different ways 用不同的方法。

28. h**e problems / difficulty / trouble ( in ) doing sth.


29. help sb. with sth. =help sb. (to ) do sth.


30. what’s more. 此外,而且,并且。

31. as usual 像平常一样。

32. as + 原级 as 和…一样

33. not as / so + 原级as 不如…

34. as well / good as 与… 一样好。

35. be / get used to (doing )sth


36. used to do sth 过去常常做某事

37. used to be + n./ adj. 过去…

38. everything / the people / the life here

这儿的一切/ 人们/ 生活。

39. with the help of sb. =with one’s help


40. be afraid of ( doing ) sth. 害怕(做) 某事。

h**e a fear of doing sth.

be afraid to do sth.

41. give my best wishes to sb.把最好的祝愿给某人。

42. be friendly / kind to sb. 对某人友好。

43. make faces 做鬼脸。

44. deal with = do with 处理,对付。

45. all the time = always 一直,总是。

46. elder sister / brother 哥哥/姐姐

47. instead of ( doing ) sth。代替做,而不是做。

48. learn to do sth 学习做某事。

49. learn ( a lot ) about… 很了解…

50. learn from sb. 向某人学习。

51. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事。

52. even though / if 尽管(不与but用)

53. not …any longer = no longer 不再。

he doesn’t live here any longer.

he no longer lives here.

54. by oneself = alone 靠自己 ,独自。

55. would / could you please ( not ) do sth. ?


56. it’s normal to do sth. 做…是正常的。


unit 5 topic one 1.look excited 看起来兴奋,激动。2.feel happy disappointed感到高兴 失望。3.taste delicious good 尝起来美味。4.sound wonderful sweet great 听起来精彩 甜美 好,不错。5.g...


unit5 topic1 1看起来很兴奋 look excited 2 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sth3去看电影 go to the movies 4 我最喜欢的电影之一 one of my f orite movies5过夜 spend the evening 6为。准备。...


unit5 topic1 1看起来很兴奋 look excited 2 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sth3去看电影 go to the movies 4 我最喜欢的电影之一 one of my f orite movies5过夜 spend the evening 6为。准备。...