八年级1 6单元要点

发布 2022-12-14 04:29:28 阅读 2997

unit 1 how often do you exercise?


◆ ever adv. 曾经 ◆ once adv. 一次。

◆ twice adv. 两次◆ internet n. 互联网。

◆ program n. 节目单, (电脑)程序。

◆ hilltop n. 山顶。

◆ result n. 结果, 成果。

◆ key n. 提醒,提示, 线索, 答案。

◆ translate v. 翻译。

◆ songn. 歌曲。

◆ junk n. 垃圾, 破烂物,废弃的旧物。

◆ milk n. 牛奶。

◆ interviewer n. 采访者。

◆ habit n. 习惯,习性。

◆ difference n. 不同,差异,区别。

◆ grade n. 分数,成绩,年级。

◆ although conj. 虽然,即使,纵然。

◆ unhealthy adj. 不健康的, 不益健康的。

◆ skateboarding n. 溜滑板运动。


◆ how often 多久一次。

◆ as for 至于, 关于。

◆ junk food 垃圾食品。

◆ eating habit 饮食习惯。

◆ of course 当然。

◆ look after 照顾, 照看。

◆ start with 以……开始。

◆ make a difference 使得结果不同,有重要性。

◆ go shopping 去购物。

◆ h**e a party 聚会。

◆ go to the movie 去看电影。

◆ once a week 每周一次。

◆ hardly ever 很少。

◆ twice a week 每周两次。

◆ three times a week 每周三次。

◆ watch tv 看电视。

◆ on weekend 在周末。

◆ do homework 做作业。

◆ a lot of 许多。

◆ try to do 试图(努力)做某事

◆ help sb (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

◆ the same as 和……相同。

◆ keep in good health 保持身体健康。


一般现在时 the ****** present tense


he is twelve. 他十二岁。

they are at home. 他们在家。


i go to school at seven every day.

he plays soccer on sundays.


she likes applesthey speak japanese.

she is medium build.

肯定式。i am a cleaneryou are right.

he / she / it is here.

we / you / they are outgoing

否定式。i am not ayou are not…

he / she / it is not… we / you / they are not…


1)we go to school at seven every day.

we don’t go to school at seven.

do you go to school at seven?

yes, we do.(no, we don’t.)

2)he goes to school at seven every day.

he doesn’t go to school at seven.

does he go to school at seven?

yes, he does.(no, he doesn’t.)


often, usually, sometimes, always, never, hardly ever等。

1. i often read books in the evening

2. do they usually go to school by bike?

3. he doesn’t like milk. he never drinks it.

4. sometimes my mother gets back at five.


in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at noon, at night, every day, on sunday(s), at seven 等。

do they h**e math in the morning?

she sleeps nine hours every night.

it takes me two hours to do my homework every day.

they don’t h**e classes on sundays.



look—looks read—reads play—plays stop—stops

2. 在字母s, x,ch,sh,o后加--es

miss—misses fix—fixes watch—watches wash—washes go—goes do--does

3. 辅音字母加y结尾的动词去y为i,再加--es

carry – carries study – studies

hurry – hurries cry – cries


h**e --has


matter n. 事情, 问题, 差错。

arm n. 臂,胳膊◆ back n. 后背,背脊。

ear n. 耳朵 ◆ eye n. 眼睛。

foot n. 脚,足 (pl. feet)

leg n. 腿,腿部 ◆ neck n. 脖子,颈部。

nose n. 鼻子 ◆ stomach n. 胃,胃部。

tooth n. 牙齿(pl. teeth)

sore adj. 疼痛的。

stomachache n. 胃痛,腹痛,肚子痛。

throat n. 喉头,喉咙。

toothache n. 牙痛 ◆ fever n. 发烧。

lie v. 躺,卧,平放在某处 (lay, lain)

honey n. 蜂蜜。

dentist n. 牙医。

illness n. 疾病,生病。

advice n. 劝告,忠告,建议。

thirsty adj. 渴的,口渴的。

heal v. 医治,**。

balance n. 平衡,平衡状态,协调。

might 可能,可以,允许(may 的过去式)

beef n. 牛肉。

lamb n. 小羊,羊羔,羊羔肉。

energy n. 精力,活力,能力。

life n. 生命,人生。

bean n. 豆,豆科植物。

stray v. 远离,走失,离题。

balanced adj. 平衡的,协调的。

diet n. 饮食,节食。

backache n. 背痛。

improve v. 改善,改良,提高。

speaking n. 口语。

headache n. 头痛。

homestay n. 待在家里。

important adj. 重要的,重大的,严重的


h**e a cold 患感冒。

stressed out 紧张的,有压力的。

bean sprout 豆芽。

get tired 感觉疲惫。

stay healthy 保持健康。

at the moment 此刻,现在。

on the other hand 另一方面。

get a cold 患感冒。

see a dentist 看牙医。

go to the party 去参加聚会。

make sb sick 使某人不舒服(患锁病)

h**e a sore throat 嗓子痛。

h**e a fever 发烧,发热。

h**e a toothache 牙痛。

h**e a backache 背痛。

h**e a headache 头痛。




1. what's wrong/the matter (with you)? 你怎么了?

what's your trouble, young man? 年轻人, 你**不舒服?

when did it start? 从何时开始生病的?

2. how are you (feeling) now? 你现在觉得怎么样?

are you feeling better today? 你今天好些了吗?

3. h**e you got a headache/a cough?你头痛/咳嗽吗?

4. when did you feel unwell? 你什么时候觉得不舒服的?

5. when did the pain start?疼痛何时开始的?

6. did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗?

do you feel tired? 你觉得疲劳吗?

7. how long h**e you been like this?你像这样有多久了?

8. did you eat anything for breakfast?你早饭吃了什么没有?


1. i don't feel very well. /i'm not feeling well.

我感到不舒服。 2. i h**e (got) a headache.


i h**e a sore throat. 我嗓子痛。

i h**e a backache. /i h**e a pain in my back. 我后背痛。

there's something wrong with my leg. 我的腿有毛病了。

3. i feel terrible. 我感到很难受。

i feel even worse. 我感到情况更糟了。

4. i don't feel like eating anything. 我什么都不想吃。

5. i dream too much. 我的梦特别多。

i can't fall / be asleep in the evening. 晚上我睡不着。

6. it began two days ago. 两天前开始的。

7. i don't feel any better now. 我感觉没有什么好转。

8. i had noodles for lunch today. 今天午饭我吃的是面条。


1. open your mouth and say "ah---张嘴说 "啊---

2. let me take your temperature. 让我给你量量体温。

3. there's nothing much wrong / serious with you. 你没什么大问题。

4. you h**e got a bad cold. 你患了重感冒。

5. you h**e to be in hospital. 你得住院。

6. you'd better stay in bed for a few days.你最好卧床几天。

you'd better not eat too much sugar.你最好别吃太多的糖。

eat less food and take more exercise. if you do that, you'll feel much healthier.少吃些,多锻炼,不久你的身体就会健康得多。

drink more water多喝水。

you should drink a lot of water. 你应该多喝水。

h**e a good rest好好休息。

7. take one of these pills twice a day.


take the medicine after meals. 饭后服药。

8. you'll soon be all right. 你很快就会**的。

i hope you feel better soon.我希望你很快就会好起来。

try to relax before you go to sleep.睡觉前尽量放松一下。


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1 keep out call up动副词短语。turn on,接名词时既可以放。在短语中间,也可以放在后面。turn on the tv.turn the tvon.但接人称代词 me,us,you,him,her,it,them 时只可以放在短语中间。不让他进来 keep him out 打开它...