
发布 2022-12-11 17:50:28 阅读 5866



1. 这盘牛肉闻起来不新鲜。

this plate of beef

2. 他喜欢吃甜食,常花钱买巧克力和糕点吃。

heand often spends money on chocolates and cakes.

3. 我一到飞机场你就会认出我来。

you’llme when i

4. 我喜欢英语,也喜欢数学。

i like english, and maths

5. 我这次在学校的物理考试很糟,我很生自己的气。

i got ain the physics examand i gotmyself.

6. 这个小孩儿很害怕一个人在屋里睡觉。

this child isin the room by himself.

7. 他看起来很累。

he8. 如果你干不了,让我来试一下。

if you can’t do it, let me

9. 他穿着西装系着领带,手里拿着大衣。

he is __a suit and a tie, and he __a warm coat in his hand.

10. 她相当高,有着一头金黄色的长发并且戴着眼镜。

she is quite talland she


he alwayswhen he doesn’t know how to do things

12. 我喜欢打网球并且我是校网球队的。

i likeand i am


the soup

14. 昨晚粉丝们迫不及待地要见那位大明星。

the fansthe famous star last night.

15. 你的英语老师是什么样的人?

___your english teacher___


1. 她有一双大眼睛,圆脸。( a round face)

2. 当我的朋友需要帮助时,我愿意帮助他们。(be willing to help)

3. 她对人友善,乐于助人。

4. 我和陌生人在一起时感到紧张。

5. nancy喜欢听**,尤其是古典**。

6. 他擅长打电子游戏但他不喜欢运动。

7. 当自己在学校取得差的成绩时,我会觉得有点儿伤心。

8. 学生们看上去不怎么兴奋。

9. lily看上去很漂亮有一头乌黑的长发。

10. 他很友好但有一点儿害羞。


1. be proud of 2. can’t wait to do sth school 4. sweet tooth

5. h**e a try 6. hear from 7. thank for 8. as well

9. good at 10. be afraid of hair

13. a bit sour glasses 15. in a few days

16. at first 16. arrive at the airport

ii. 1. doesn’t smell fresh 2. has a sweet tooth arrive at the airport

4. as well 5. bad mark; at school;angry with 6. afraid of sleeping/ afraid to sleep

7. looks very tired 8. h**e a try 9. wearing; carries/has

10. with a long fair hair; wears glasses nervous; in the right way

tennis; in the school tennis team 13. tastes salty

wait to see is; like

iii.has two big eyes and a round face.

willing to help all my friends when they need help.

is friendly to others and she likes helping others.

feel nervous when i’m with strangers.

likes listening to music, especially classical music

is good at playing computer games but he doesn’t like sports.

feel a bit sad when i get bad marks at school.

students don’t look excited.

looks very pretty with a long black hair.

is very friendly but he is a little shy.


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