
发布 2022-12-11 17:47:28 阅读 7432


1. 李明和李俊看上去长得一样。

li ming and li junlook the same.)

2. 我把梳子和茶叶放在旁边。

i put the comb __the tea___beside ; le**es)

3. 他飞快的梳了十次头。

she combed her hairten times quickly )

4. 延着街道一直向前走并且吃一个面包圈。

down the street and eat a donut.( walk straight)

5. 一直走到你看到医院。

walk __you see the hospital. (until)

6. 关于李明的家乡能了解更多。

he could __moreli ming’s hometown.( learn , about )

7. 他今年上八年级。he is inthis year. (grade eight )

8. 今天是他上学的第二天。

today isday at school.( his second )

9. 他当了七年英语老师了。

shean english teacher for seven years.( has been )

10. 现在他准备把那个人介绍给同学们。

now he is ready tosomeone __the class.( introduce, to)

11. 我知道你不会迷路。

i knew you wouldn’tget lost

12. 北京到上海有多远。

is it from beijing __shanghai? (how far, to )

13. 你们彼此用邮件联系吗?

do youwith each other by e-mail? (stay in touch)

14. 他可以从他的农场里得到一些肉。

she can __some meather farm. (get, from )

15. 我们可以互相交换衣服吗?

can we __clothes __each other? (trade , with )

16. 他从书桌里取出了书。

hehis books from the desk. (took out )

17. 俱乐部大约有50名成员。

the club has aboutfifty members )

18. 他今年长高了许多,他喜欢打篮球。

he is __taller this year and he loves __basketball. (much , playing )

19. 我们昨天同时飞往大连。

we flew to dalian yesterday. (at the same time )

20. 下雨的时候,我们乘出租车上班。

when it __i go to work __taxi. (rains , by )

21. 他隔多久给朋友打一次**。

does he make phone calls to his friend? (how often )

22. 他在报纸上经常给人提建议。( gives advice to , in )

he oftenpeople __the news*****.

23. 他可能会成为一名优秀的士兵。

he might be anexcellent soldier )

24. 本周他已经画了6幅画。

hesix pictures this week. (has painted )

25. 我希望你某时候把它们拿给我看看。

i __you will __them __me sometime. (hope, show, to )

26. 今年她的英语课学得更好了。

he is muchenglish this year. (better at )

27. 我认识他多年了。

ihim for many years. (h**e known )

28. **上的他看起来像个小男孩。

hea little boy in the picture. (looks like )

29. 没什么能住阻止我上大学。

nothing can __me __going tostop from college )

30. 首先,你必须相信自己。

first,you mustbelieve in yourself )

完成句子。1. 孩子们,请随便吃些鸡肉吧。

to somechildren! (help yourselves, chicken )

2. 我不用椅子就能够到树上的苹果。

i can __the apple on the tree __a chair. (reach, without )

3. 你可以用这些话来开始你的报告。

you can __these wordsyour report. (use, to begin )

4. 不想考虑发生过的事。

___thinking about the things thatstop , happened )

5. 展望未来使我更有信心。

the future makes me more confident. (dreaming about )

6. 我不能掌握这些句子。

i am not able to __thesemaster , sentences )

7. 彼得接受了挑战。

peter __theaccepted , challenge )

8. 他大声的说,“我做到了。”

he said in a highi __it.” voice , made )

9. 熟能生巧!

perfect! (practice makes )

10. 制定计划之前我们应认真讨论一下。

we should discuss them carefully before __our****** plans )

11. 他是一个优秀的工程师。

he’s anexcellent engineer )

12. 我们的语文老师喜欢讲笑话。

our chinese teacher likestelling jokes )

13. 老师对我说,“干得不错。”

the teacher said to mewell done )

14. 昨天放学后我们去俱乐部了。

we went to the club after schoolyesterday. (was over )

15. 我们教室的灯亮多了。

the __in our classroom are muchlights brighter )

16. 他们上周四从北京回来。

they __from beijing lastreturned, thursday )

17. 上周我们与另一支球队比赛了。

weanother team last week. (played against )

18. 我想继续看电视。

i want totv. (continue watching )

19. 房间里我没看到人。

iin the room. (saw nobody )

20. 去年他加入了女子排球队。

she joinedteam last year . women’s volleyball )

21. 我看见你真在往墙上挂图画。

i saw youthe pictures on the wall. (putting up )

22. 我正在做一份如何学好英语的报告。

i’m __a __on how to learn english well. (doing , report )

23. 我喜欢水果,如香蕉、苹果等。

i like fruitbananas ,apples . such as )

24. 谢谢你支持我们。

thank youus. (for supporting )

25. 多漂亮的邮票啊!

these stamps are! (how beautiful )

26. 昨天他把眼镜打破了。

he __his __yesterday. (broke, glasses )


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