八年级英语期末复习专题练习 词汇和句型

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2.关心,关怀3.任何时候4.最多5.浏览,快速**6继续,重复做某事7起初,首先8来吧;赶快9玩得愉快10到达11下车12景点13主页14独立地,独自15.社会工作者16.最好17.没问题18代表;象征19.而不是,代替20.对……着迷21.犯错误22.供电中断;停电23.用……填充……24不仅……而且……25.进行,发生26.上车27.收拾妥,整理好28.实际上,事实上29.《口》不可能30同情,怜悯31. be born32.cut down33.as a result34.in danger35.take action36.right away37.

at birth

38. the same...as39.

in order to40. lead to41. less and less42.

write down43. all year round44. thousands of45.

wash away46. catch fire47. in all directions48.

not...at all49. calm down50.


根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. which soccer team do you s___

2. when you are in d___please keep calm.3.

my teacher always e___us to study harder.4. birds h**e two w___which help them fly.

5. please tell me your name and athen i can contact(联系) you.6.

the wind is b___he**ily. it's very cold.7.

don't be n___everything will be ok.

8. i live in a small v___and everyone here is very friendly.9.

everything is s___is the earthquake happening?10. the f___washed away the big tree.

11. we want to see the sun r___on the top of the 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。12.

help___you) to some fish, boys and girls.13. i feelbore) .

shall we go boating together?

14. jim did badly in the exam, and betty did___bad) than him.15.

my sister spent two hours___watch) tv last night.16. we should protect the environment in our___day) life.

17final) we went hack home by taxi.

18. there are many___climb) coming to mount tai every year.19.

please give a hand to the___help) people.20. what's the___mean) of the new word?

21. my mother is___cut) potatoes in the kitchen.22. can you see the blackboard___clear)?

23. the___speak) was talking about the weather.

24. more and moretour) will come to wuhu this summer.


1.my sister said she would保守秘密).2. our parents关心)us all the time.

3. don't说谎)or others won't believe you.4. where are you going度假)?

5.we迫不及待)to open these presents.

6.we should answer the questions loud在课堂上)7快点)! we are here waiting for you.

8.they过得开心)in the park last weekend.9. my friends到达)my home early yesterday.

10. please下车)the bus at the second crossing.11.

we should do something靠我们自己).12. the match发生)last friday.13.

-can you help me carry the box没问题).

14. you最好)finish your homework on time.15the box___装满)these science books.四、根据汉语提示完成句子。


do you talk with your friends?2.我认为好朋友应该是诚实的。( should be)

i think good friends3.我的儿子从不撒谎。( tell lies)

my son4.李飞是我最好的朋友之一。(one of)

li fei ismy

5.我乐意与珍妮分享我的快乐。( be willing to; share...with)

imy happiness___jenny.6.当我弟弟长大时,他想成为一名歌手。(grow up)

when my brotherhea singer.7.我的好朋友总是使我笑。(make sb. do)

my best friend always8.他有很好的幽默感。( h**e a sense of)

he hasof humour.

9.乘坐公共汽车到那里花费了我们两个小时。(it takes/took sb. some time to do sth.)

it___usget there by bus.10我想要在全世界旅行。( all over the world)

i want to tr**el11.这个菜和那个菜一样好吃。(as…as)

this dish isthat one.

12.琳达去了电影院而没有去超市。( instead of)

linda went to the cinemathe supermarket.13.我的朋友对地理很着迷。( be crazy about)

my friendgeography.14我们的父母几乎为我们提供了一切。( provide...

for)our parents___nearly everything___us.15.成千上万的人们涌向海滩。( thousands ofpeople are coming to the beach.








六、按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1.add some salad cream(改为否定句salad cream.2.it's time to h**e lunch(改为同义句)it's time

3.i know something special about wild animals.(改为一般疑问句)__you know___special about wild animals?4.the boy is very tall.(对划线部分提问the boy

5.there are three kinds of apple trees in our garden.(对划线部分提问kinds of apple trees are there in our garden?6.what other things should we take?(改为同义句should we take?

7.i can describe the weather in winter,(改为一般疑问句describe the weather in winter?七、按要求改写下列句子。1.

the wind is very strong now.(用in the late afternoon改写句子)

2.how is the weather in zhenjiang?(改为同义句)

3.jim was playing computer games. i came in.(用when把两句连为一句)

4.the book is interesting. that book is interesting too.(用as...as把两句连为一句)

5 go into the building on fire.(改为否定句)

6.we can protect ourselves by using something wet to cover our mouth and nose.(对划线部分提问)

7.i like winter best(对划线部分提问)

8.i am going to visit hawaii.(对划线部分提问)

参***。一、1 keep a on) oneself10. arrive at/in11. get off12. place

cut23. fill...with...

24. not only...but(also)25.

take place26. get on27. tidy up28.

in fact29. no way30. h**e/take pity on31.出生,出世32.砍倒;削减;缩小33.因此34处境危险35.采取行动36.立刻,马上37.出生时,诞生时38.与……同样39.以便,为的是40.导致41.越来越少42.写下,记下43.一年到头44.成千上万的45.冲走46.着火47.四面八方48.一点也不49.冷静50.为……提供……二、1.

flood11. rising12. yourselves13.

bored14. worse

15. watching16. daily17.

finally18. climbers19. helpless20.

meaning21. cutting22. clearly23.

speaker24. tourists

三、1. keep a a lie 't class7 hurry up8enjoyed at10. get off11.

by ourselves12. took place13. no problem14.

had better15. fill; with四、1. when you are unhappy2.should be honest3.never tells lies4.one of; best friends5 am willing to share; with6 grows up; wants to be7.makes me laugh8 a good sense

9 took; two hours to10. all over the world11. as delicious as12.

instead of going to13. is crazy thousands of

五、1. when he finished, the whole house looked terrible.2.

please put another piece of bread on the top.3. it's impossible to go to sleep with so much noise4.

do you want to make more friends?

5. what kind of wild animal do you like best? loved good show once i saw it on tv.

六、1. don't add does; look many6.what else7.can you

七、1. the wind will be very strong in the late afternoon.2.

what's the weather like in zhenjiang?

3. when i came in jim was playing computer games.4.

that book is as interesting as this one.

5. don't go into the building on fire.6.

how can we protect ourselves?7 which season do you like best?8.

where are you going to visit?


1 词汇。1.代词 会正确使用人称代词宾格,主格,物主代词。重点词 mine 我的 物品 2动词 熟悉谓语动词的各种时态变化形式 过去式是重点,斜体和划线的单词过去式是什么?1 exercise锻炼 drink喝 try尽力 尝试 keep保持 rest休息 believe相信 get到达 stay...


一 字音字形。竹笋 s n 阔绰 chu 踱步 du 舀水 y o 羼水 ch n 间或 ji n 颓唐 tu 不屑置辩 xi 蘸水 zh n 作揖 y 带挈 qi 不省人事 x ng 避讳 hu 拙病 zhu商酌 zhu 兀自 w 星宿 xi 桑梓 z攥紧 zu n 呓语 y 模样 m 齁声 h ...

八年级期末复习专题 一

期末复习专题 一 成语运用。应对策略 全面了解成语含义,注意本义 引申义和比喻义。了解成语常见误用类型,训练判断成语运用正误的能力。成语误用的类型 主要有望文生义 用错对象 褒贬误用 不合语境 谦敬错位 搭配不当 自相矛盾和前后重复等。a 望文生义。所谓望文生义,即只按照字面的意思来理解成语的含义。...