八年级9 10单元

发布 2022-12-11 07:22:28 阅读 1114

unit 9 重点知识

1. be born 出生 2. international sports stars 国际体育明星 3.

stop doing sth 停止做某事(正在干的事情);stop to do sth 停下来做某事(另干某事) 4. start doing sth 开始干某事。

5. too…to… 太。。。而不能… he is too young to join the army. 他年龄太小不能当兵。

the box is too he**y for me to carry. 这个箱子太重我搬不动。

not …enough 不够。。。he is not old enough to join the army. 注意与too…to…的区别。

the box is too he**y for me to carry. -the box is not light enough for me to carry.

so…that…如此…以致… he is so young that he can’t join the army. 注意:that后要跟句子。

the box is so he**y that he can’t carry it.

6. a kind and loving grandfather 一位和蔼可亲的爷爷 7. be well-known for=be famous for 以…而出名 be famous as +职业 yao ming is famous as a professional basketball player.

8. at the age of 在….岁时可以与when替换。

at the age of ten, he began to sell news*****s on a train. =when he was ten, he began to sell news*****s on a train.

9. take part in 参加(活动);join 参加(团体、组织)。take part in the sports meeting 参加运动会,join the music club 参加**俱乐部。

10. 70-year history 七十年的历史 70-year 七十年的复合形容词。用“-”连接,名词必须用单数。

a five-year-old boy , a five-hundred-meter-long bridge. ten-minute walk

11. alive/living/lively 的区别。

alive 意思是“活着的”,可作表语。 the boy is still alive.(表语) 可做后置定语。

the man is the only person alive. (alive修饰person)这个人是这次事故唯一幸存的人。

12. because/because of的区别。

because 后跟句子,because of后跟名词/代词等。

they will put off the meeting because it is raining he**ily. 他们将推迟会议因为天在下大雨。

they will put off the meeting because of the he**y rain.

13. major in 主修 14. in the speech competition 在演讲比赛中 15. women’s singles 女子单打。

unit 10

1. grow up 成长, 长大 2. take acting lessons 上表演课 3.

somewhere interesting 某些有趣的地方 4. find a part-time job 找一份临时工 5. at the same time 同时 6.

tr**el all over the world 周游全世界 7. play an instrument 弹奏乐器 8. get good grades 取得好成绩。

9. learn a foreign language 学一门外语 10. get a letter from sb =hear from sb 收到某人的来信 11.

communicate with 和….交流


1. the girl began to learn the piano __the age of four. she is very good __it now.

a. at, at b. for, for c. on, to d. about, with

2. the ice on the lake was too thin for usyesterday.

a. skating b. to skate c. skated d. to skating

3. what are you going to __when you grow up? a reporter.

a. make b. do c. be d. h**e

4. when did cheng graduate __high school? two years ago.

a. to b. for c. with d. from

5. when she grows up, she wants to move __

a. interesting somewhereb. interesting anywhere

c. somewhere interestingd. some interesting place

6. what are you going to buy __the money? -a big house.

a. for b. use c. fromd. with

7. they are doingthey want to do.

a. how b. when c. whatd. why

8. she wants towith the tourists from the usa.

a. give money b. write letters c. send gifts d. communicate

9. our monitor came to school as early __today.

a. as often b. as usually c. as always d> as usual

10. deng yaping majored __english and management.

a. on b. atc. ind. for

11. we are allby thefilm.

a. moved, moved b. moving, moving c. moved, moving d. moving, moved

12. do you oftenyour old friends?

a. communicate to b. communicate with c. communicate on d. communication with

didn’t come to the meeting yesterdayhis illness.

a. because b. because of c. because for d. result in

14. liu xiang is famous __a running star. yao ming is famous __playing basketball.

a. as, for b. for, as c. as, asd. for, for

15. the personin the accident is awoman.

a. alive, seventy years old b. living, seventy-year-old

c. alive, seventy-year-old d. living, seventy years old

16. my grandfatherthe morning of october,1925.

a. was born, in b. were born, on c. was, born, on d. born, in

17. we didn’t start our discussioneverybody arrived.

a. since b. ifc. while d. until

18. this novel can make you laugh and cry atsame time.

a. a b. anc. thed /

19. -could i go boating this weekend, dad?

--yes, youbut you h**e to come back before lunch.

a. can b. mustc. needd. should

20. zhou libo is shanhai’s f**orite funny man. he is good at ****** people laugh.

his lively shows werehot that tickets sold out in minutes.

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