
发布 2022-12-06 22:17:28 阅读 3935


一、 默写字母表中1-14个字母的大小写:(10分)



)时间) a. a b. 有) a. a b. o

)超过)a. t b. _k(看)a. ou b. oc

) f(半)


1、seven past half(七点半2、get to school(上学。

3、eat lunch(吃午饭4、see tv(看电视。

5、go house(回家6、in three o`clock(在三点钟。

7、go up(起床8、go bed(睡觉。

9、h**e breakfast(吃晚饭10、listen at the clock(听钟表。


)1. iup at 6 o’

)2. _time is ita. which c. what d. than.

) go __school at 8 o`clocka. in b. at c. on d. to

)4. ilunch at twelve o’clocka. h**e b. has c. had d. the

)5 i h**e dinner __six o’

)6. i __tv at seven o’clocka. see b. look c. watch d. visit

)7. i go to bed at half __ninea. pass b. past c. pest d. play

)8 what’s the time?it`s___six o’clocka. /d. in

)9. i h**e dinner atpast sixa. time b. to c. get d. half

) is it , please? it is half past seven. a. half b. time c. past d. pass


1. a: _time is it, please? b: it’s six

2. a: what __is it, please? b: it’s half___six. you h**e dinner___half past six.


1. get, six, o’clock, up, i ,at

2. the, please, what,time, is

3. past, half, at, eight, bed,to, go, i

4. daming, tv, at, watches, eight, o’clock

5. half, seven, past,it, is


my name is xiaoming . i get up at half past six . i h**e breakfast at seven o’clock.

i go to school at eight o’clock. i h**e lunch at twelve o`clock . i go home at four o’clock.

i h**e dinner at five o`clock . i watch tv at half past six . i do my homework at seven o`clock .

i go to bed at nine o’clock.

)1. i get up at seven o’ h**e lunch at twelve3. i go home at five o’clock.

)4. i watch tv at half past six5. i go to bed at half past nine.


一、写出字母表中的从hh到tt 13个字母的大小写:(13分)


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