小学英语三年级下册二单元复习试卷 湘少版

发布 2022-12-06 07:21:28 阅读 7481

一、 默写26个字母,注意大小写。





( )1. i’m __to see you again.

a. too b. good c. glad

( )2. how are you

a. i’m not very well. b. that’s good. c. how are you?

( )3. are you tom?__

a. yes, he is. b. no, i am. c. yes, i am.

( )4you linda?

a. is b. are c. am

( )5. good evening.__

a. good night. b. good morning. c. good evening.


) 1good good morning!

) 2 hello!b fine, thank you.

) 3 goodbye!c nice to meet you too!

) 4 how are you?d good afternoon

) 5 nice to meet hi!

) 6. good morning!f bye-bye. 五、情景反应。

( )1、有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候?

a. who are you? b. how are you? c. here you are.

( )2、你次认识mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说。

a. me too. b. nice to meet you. c. good afternoon.

( )3、当朋友要离开时,你应该怎么说。

a.goodbye. b. hello. c. nice to meet you.

( )5、熟人或朋友再次见面,可以这样说。

a. what’s your name? .b. how old are you? c. i’m glad to see you again.


1. morning good .

2. are who you ?

3. name is what your ?

4. lingling you are ?

5. meet you nice to


( )i’m glad to see you again.

( )i’m fine, thank you. and you?

( )how are you?

( )good morning, lingling.

( )i’m fine, too.

( )good morning, peter.

八、阅读理解, 根据课文回答问题。

(一)hello! my name is sun wei. here is an american boy.

his name is d**id smith. he is twelve. and i am twelve, too.

d**id is in class three, grade one. i am in class three, grade one, too. he is number eight, row five.

i am number five, row four.

( )is an___boy.

a. chinese b. american c. english

( )isa. ten b. eleven c. twelve

( )wei is in___grade one.

a. class three b. class two c. class one

( )is in row

a . four b. five c. one

( )wei is number

a. four b. five c. eight

(二)my name is mary. i am eleven. ted is my brother.

he is thirteen. we are in the same school. my mother is a teacher.

she is a teacher in our school. my father is a teacher, too. he is a chinese teacher in a college.

i h**e a cat. its name is miaomiao. it is white.

it is a nice cat. we are good friends.

( )1. how old is mary?

a. she is eleven. b. she is twelve.

( )2. who is mary’s brother?

a. tom is mary’s brother. b. ted is mary's brother.

( )3. who are in the same school?

a. ted and mary are in the same class. b. my father and i

( )4. what are mary’s parents(父母)?

a. they are doctors. b. they are teachers.

( )5. what animal(动物) does mary h**e?

a. she has a cat. b. she has a dog.

( )6. what colour is the cat?

a. it’s black. b. it’s white.

(三)判断正误,对的写t, 错的写f

my name is ted pike. i am a worker in a big store. i don't work in the morning.

i only work at night. every morning i e home at about half past six. i h**e breakfast at seven.

after breakfast i go to bed. i get up at about half past two. i h**e lunch at a quarter to three and supper at twenty to eight.

then i go to work at a quarter past eight. i start work at nine. i look after the store every night.

i like my work very much.

( )1. ted works in the morning.

( )2. ted sleeps at 6:30

( )3. ted doesn't work at 12

( )4. ted goes to work at 8:15 p. m.

( )5. ted is at home in the morning.

(四)i like animals very much, my f**orite animal is dog, but my mother does not like dogs, she likes cats best, so we h**e a cat named(名字叫)mili . mili is very lovely but some times(有时)it makes me angry(生气的), so i do not like it.


( )1. i do not like animals.

( )2. we h**e a dog named mili.

( )3. my mother likes cats.

( )4. i like cats, too.

( )5. i do not like mili.

(五)this is a photo of my family. there are five people in my family. look, the boy is me.

my sister is next to(在…旁边)me. the old man is my grandpa , the old woman is my grandma. my father is a doctor.

my mother is an english teacher, she loves her students.


( )is next to me?

a. my mother . b. my sister.

( )2. my father is a __

a. teacher. b. doctor

( )3. my mother is a

a. teacher. b. doctor

( )4. how many people are there in the family?

a. four b. five

( )5. does my mother love her students?

a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesn’t.

(六)today is a good day. it’s a sunny day. i’m warm.

look, the sun is shining, the clouds(云)are white. the trees are green. the flowers(花)are yellow.

the big lake(湖) is blue. there is a purple bike under a tree. some children are rowing a boat(划船)on the lake.


1. the sun is

2. the trees are

3. theis blue.

4. there is a purpleunder a tree.

5. some children area boat on the lake.


( )6. what’s the weather like today?

a. it’s a snowy day. b. it’s a sunny day.

( )7. what colour are the clouds?

a. they are white. b. they are black.

( )8. where is the bike?

a. under a tree. b. in the lake.

( )9. how do i feel(感觉)?

a. i feel warm. b. i feel hot.

( )10. is the lake big?

a. no, it’s small. b. yes, it’s big.

(七)i h**e a happy family(家庭)。 my father is a policeman. he is tall.

he likes to play basketball(篮球)。 my mother is a nurse. she likes to watch tv and read books.

i am a student. i am a boy. i am short.

we like to eat noodles(面条)。 we are a happy family.


( )father is a nurse.

( )2. my mother is a policewoman.

( )father is tall. and he likes to play football.

( )4. my mother likes to read books.

( )am a student. i am a boy. i am short.

( )6. we like to eat noodles.


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