三年级下册英语期中质量检测 含听力材料,含答案

发布 2022-12-01 21:36:28 阅读 3898


一、听录音,圈出正确的答案,听两遍。(每题 1 分,共 10 分)

b. b. b.b.b.

b. 二、听录音,对下列**用数字进行排序,听两遍。(每题 1 分,共 6 分)

三、听录音,给下面的句子用数字排序,听两遍。(每题 1 分,共 8 分)

17. (don’t eat here.

) don’t listen to the parrot.

) would you like some water? (where’s bobby?

) is that mike’s box?

) what colour is this pen? (he is behind the door.

) this cake is for you.

四、听录音,将相关**连线,听两遍。(每题 2 分,共 10 分)

五、听录音,根据所听问句,选择正确的答句,听两遍。(每题 1 分,共 6 分)

) 19. a. how nice! b. no, thank you.

) 20. a. yes, it is. b. i’m sorry.

) 21. please. b. no. here you are.

) 22. a. yes, mr ma. b. no, thanks.

) 23. a. it’s a nice cake. b. it’s red.

) 24. you. b. it’s on the chair.

六、选择填空。(每题 1 分,共 10 分)

25. —it’s too hot(热). please the door. —ok.

a. don’t close b. close c. look

26. —don’t shout in the library

a. i’m sorry. b. thank you. c. yes, i am.

27. —where’s the ball? —it’s the table.

a. on b. under c. behind

28. —what’s thismy english book.

a. it b. it’s c. they’re

29. —would you like some pies

a. yes, please. sorry. c. yes, it is30. —what’s over there? —it’s a doll.

a. this b. that c. these

31is your mother? —she is over there.

a. what b. what colour c. where

32. —is the ruler in your school

a. yes, it is. b. here you are. c. it’s here.

33. —this pen is for you

a. thank you. b. sure. it is34me! my skirt is very nice.

a. look b. look at c. see

七、根据所给提示填入所缺单词,注意首字母的大小写。 (每题 1 分,共 5 分)

35. —look! the cat is on the

36. —where’s your —it’s here.

37. —打开) the door, please. —yes, miss li.

38. —look at that in the skyit’s lovely.

39. —yang ling, please close theok.

八、将**与相应的对话配对,把序号写在题前括号内。(每题 2 分,共 10 分)

b. c. d. e.

) 40.—this ruler is for you. —thank you.

) 41. —is that your suitcase? —yes, it is.

) 42. —stand up, please. —yes, mr wang.

) 43. —where’s the book? —it’s in the schoolbag.

44. —don’t sit here. —i’m sorry.

九、情景选择,将序号写在题前括号内。(每题 2 分,共 12 分) (45.当你想要询问刘涛手中的包的颜色时,你可以问:

a. what colour is your bag? b. it’s black.


a. don’t eat here. b. i’m sorry. (47.当你在公交车上给孕妇让座时,你可以说:

down, please. don’t sit here. (48.你想知道这个橡皮是不是迈克的,可以说:

this your rubber, mike? b. is that your rubber, mike? (49.王兵告诉海伦这不是他的笔袋,可以说:

is my pencil case, helen. b. this isn’t my pencil case, helen.

(50.你想知道自己的短裙在**? 可以问:

a. where is your skirt? is my skirt?

十、读一读,将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。(每题 1 分,共 8 分)

51. a. it’s you are. 52. a. thank you.

b. no, it isn’t. it’s your father’s. b. good morning, lily.

c. where’s my lunch box? c. what is it?

d. mum, is that my lunch box? d. it’s a pen. this is for you.

e. thank you. e. good morning, mary.

十。一、根据故事内容选择。(每题 1 分,共 5 分)

)53. who is the man ? he is .

a. farmer brown b. doctor brown

c. teacher brown

)54. these animals(动物) are all very , they want to eat something.

( )55. the cow’s name is

c. sheila

) cow and the sheep both like .

a. b. c. (dog wants to eat

a. b. c.

十。二、阅读理解。(每题 1 分,共 10 分)


this is the twins’ bedroom. their room is not big, but it’s nice. in the room we can see a map.

it is a map of china. books are on the desk. they h**e a clock on the desk, too.

their skirts are on the bed. their shoes are under the chair. everything is tidy.

the twins like it very much.

) twins h**e a map of .

c. america ( 59. the bedroom is

a. big b. nice c. not small ( are on the desk.

a. books b. a clock c. a and b ( 61. their shoes are the chair.

a. under c. between ( 62. this is the bedroom.

二)阅读判断。(判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用“t”表示,错误的用 “f” 表示。)

snail: oh, i lost my house. what shall i do? rabbit: hello, snail!

snail: hello, rabbit!

rabbit: where are you going? snail: i’m looking for my house.

rabbit: oh, it’s over there, on a big rock. snail: thank you, rabbit! goodbye!


第五题,情景交际,第3小题出错较多,题目是 你想邀请你的朋友玩游戏时,你朋友应该说?应该是let s play a game.很多学生选择 great 原因还是没有认真读题目。第七题,判断句子与 是否一致。虽然十分不少,但是分析原因并不是学生掌握不好,是 有歧义。比如,第一副图,是一个女孩背书包图,...


一 试卷分析 本次三年级下册期中检测,只有笔试,没有听力,笔试部分,难度适中,以考察基础知识为主,略有拓展,题量适中,题型也都是学生常见常练题型。本次测试,小题题目内容稍有拓展,总体感觉,通过这次检测,能够考察学生平时对课本知识掌握的情况。试卷中能体现考查学生基础知识的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又...


三年级数学测试题。学校得分。一 直接写得数 16分 二 填空 22分 1 填上合适的单位。一袋面粉重25 一袋牛奶重250 一袋饼干重200 一头牛重200 鲸鱼体重46 它每小时游30 一辆卡车的车身长10 它的载重量是4 克 千克 吨 7000千克。20米 分米 70千克 克。3 一辆手推车一次...