
发布 2022-12-01 20:22:28 阅读 7953




1. door small2. big it3. open hot (

forkismorning (

4. tent elephant5. juice under (

hetwo (


) 1. a. apple b. fruit c. peach d. plum

) 2. a. classroom b. table c. chair d. bed

) 3. a. grandfather b. mother c. ice cream d. son

) 4. a. badminton b. hotc. happy d. sad

) 5. a. socks b. between c. pants d. shirt



1. 这份生日礼物是什么颜色?

whatis the birthday present ?

2. 这些是我的棕色短裙。

these are my brown

3. 在桌子上有五个三明治。

there are fiveon the table .

4. 我喜欢牛奶和果汁。

i like milk and

5. jack有一个茶杯吗?

does jack h**e a


) 1. what does he likea. good afternoon .

) 2. what’s thisb. it’s a red chair .

) 3. is it a pandac. no , i don’t . but i h**e pears .

) 4. do you h**e cupsd. they’re in the box .

) 5. good afternoone. yes , it is .

) 6. how many plums are there ? f. fine . thank you .

) 7. where’s my coatg. yes , we do .

) 8. do you h**e applesh. there are fifteen .

) 9. how are youi. he likes baseball .

) 10. where are the pineapples ? j. it’s on the bed .


a. no , i don’t . b. do you h**e forks ? c. here you are .

d. thank you . e. good morning , ben .

ben : good morning , samsam

ben : do you h**e cupssam

bensam : yes , i do


hello , my name's peter . i'm ten . my father is a teacher .

my mother is a teacher , too(也). they h**e a lot of(许多)books . this is my brother , john .

he's sad , because(因为)he doesn't h**e a new shirt . this is my sister , mary . she's happy , because she has a new bike .

i'm happy , too . because i h**e a new piano . i like piano .

1peter's parents h**e a lot of books .

2john has a new bike .

3mary doesn't h**e a shirt . she's sad .

4mary has a new bike .

5i like piano . i'm happy .


2012版 开心学英语 三年级下册期末复习卷b 班级姓名座号成绩 一 语音。读准下列每组单词的读音,找出其划线部分发音不同于其他两项的一项,将其序号写在提前的括号里。10 1.a.kite b.light c.sixteen 2.a.cold b.hot c.clock 3.a.mother b.t...

开心版小学英语三年级英语下册上 下册句子知识点摘要

三年级上册单元知识点摘要。字母表 英文字母有26个,分大写字母和小写字母。有印刷体和书写体。其中,元音字母有5个,它们是 aa ee ii oo uu 其他21个是辅音字母。印刷体 aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii j j 书写体。印刷体 kk ll mm nn oo pp qq...


三年级下册英语第一单元复习卷。姓名。1 重点单词 big大的 small小的 they他 她 它们 sad伤心的 happy高兴的 tall高的 short矮的 hot热的 cold冷的。2 重点句型 完全形式和复合形式的转变 i m i am you re you are he s he is s...