
发布 2022-12-01 10:47:28 阅读 9869




) 1. st_ _auc. eu() 2.

but_ _terc. tar() 3. s_ _nac.

ma() 4. bad_ _minc. tin() orc.

er() orc. ro() a. getb.

hetc. ket() esa. gob.

hoc. ao() a. irsb.

iesc. ias() 10. betw_ _na.

eab. aec. ee() 11.

sk_ _ta. iub. irc.

in() 12. tw_ _vea. ulb.

elc. al() 13. th_ _r ic.

ix() 14. b_ _lsa. ovb.

opc. ow() 15. f_ _ksa.

orb. arc. ur二、根据情景,选择最佳答案。



a. what’s this?b. what do you like?c. what are these?


a. i’m i’m i’m hot.


a.do you like tennis?b. do you like soccer?

c. i like soccer.()4.

老师指着一个红色的钟问你what’s that?你应该回答:

a.it’s ten o’ it’s a red they are clocks.()5.你想知道这些水果是不是桃子,你会怎么问:

a.what are these?b. are these grapes?c. are these peaches?()6.早上起床你找不到裤子,你会问妈妈:

a. where’s my pants?b. where are my pants?c. they’re on the bed.


a. how many are there?b.

what’s that?c. how many apples are there?


a. do you h**e chopsticks? h**e chopsticks.

c. i don’t h**e chopsticks.()9.

现在六点钟,妈妈问你:is it eight o’clock?你应该回答:

a. yes, it no, it isn’ that’s right.()10.老师想请同学们打开书时,她说:

a. let’s let’s play a open your books, please.三、选择填空。(20%)

) 1.__is that?it’s a door.

whoc. how

) 2. she’s

a. cold

) 3. do you like ping-pong?no

don’tb. i amc. i do

) 4. what time is it

a. it’s one it’s ten o’ there are ten clocks.

) 5. is that a pillow

a. yes, i yes, i yes, it is.

) 6. where are my socks? they’rethe chair.

a. inb. onc. between

) 7. how many pineapples are therefifteen.

a. there isb. there arec. these are

) 8. what are these?they’re___

a. peachs

) 9. are these pears?yes

a. it isb. they arec. theyaren’t

) 10. do you h**e glasses?yes

a. we don’ don’tc. we do


1. is that a grayyes, it __

2. what___these?they’re3. where __myit’s __the box.

4. what __is it?it’s5. there are

6. do you h**eno, we __六、仿照例句写句子。(9%)

model: a. does he has napkins? no, he doesn’t.(tissues )

model: b. how many cups are there? there are fourteen.(knives, fifteen )


第二学期小学三年级英语知识竞赛测试题。班别 姓名 学号 成绩 一 选择正确的字母补全单词。30 1.st auc.eu 2.but terc.tar 3.s nac.ma 4.bad minc.tin orc.er orc.ro a.getb.hetc.ket esa.gob.hoc.ao a.ir...


四 应用题。1 甲 乙两城相距315千米,一辆客车以每小时50千米的速度从甲城开出,4小时后距乙城还有多少千米?2 有两个正方形,第 个正方形边长10米,正好是第二个正方形边长的2倍,第 个正方形的面积比第二个正方形的面积大多少?3.三年级同学参加广播操比赛,他们排成6行,每行人数相同,张军排在第四...


2018 2019学年度第一学期。满分 100分竞赛时间 45分钟 一 根据 提示,将下列单词补充完整。共5小题,每小题1分,记5分 1.ook 2.gg 3.pple 4.ift 5.rayon 二 给下列单词选择正确的翻译。共5小题,每小题1分,记5分 1.eraser a.尺子 b.橡皮。2....