
发布 2021-02-20 12:38:28 阅读 8872



an apple, please.

2. thank you.

3. you are welcome.

4. no, thanks. can i h**e some grapes?

5. yes, please. here you are.


二、情景交际。 9


a. where is my ruler?

b. can i use your ruler?

c. it’s under your book.


a. do you like apples?

b. where is the apple?

c. do you h**e apples?


a. it’s under the chair.

b. where is my walkman?

c. where is your walkman?


) at my new crayons!




) you like bananas?a.看我的新衬衫。




a. please h**e some water.

b. please h**e some juice.

c. h**e some coke, please.


a. how are you?

b. where are you?

c. what do you like?


a. where is the ruler?

b. what is the ruler?

c. my ruler is red.

四、. read and choose.(读与选择)

1. let’s go to school

a. okb. hic. class

2. where is your mouthit is

a. ib. this c. here

3. i like blue . me

a. very well b. read c. too

4. how old __you?

a. am b. is c. are

5. how manycan you see(看见)?

a. rulers b. ruler c. book

五、. choose the right answer to fill in the blanks. (看图完成句子)

1. thank you3. nice to meet you, too.

2. good morning4. what’s your name?

a: good morningb

bc: my name is john.

a: this is my friend, nancyb: welcome to our school!

b: nice to meet youc

c六、. read and think (读与想)请把正确单词的序号填入等号后,每题2分,共20分。

eight two three ten five

seven one nine four six

a、4 + 3b. 9–4c. 3 x 2 = d. 8–4 =

e. 7 + 1f. 5 x 2g . 3 – 2 =

h. 6 + 3 = i. 7 – 5j. 1 x3 =


2. b 4. g 5. s

6. c 7. x 8. i 10. o

11. u 12. n

八、 改一改,把下面的单词改写成它的大写或小写形式。(8%)

1. pear 2. orange 3. milk 4. pencil

6. juice 7. happy 8. window


1. do you like apples? (

a. yes,i do. b. thanks. c. no,i do.

2. how are you? (

a. fine, thanks. b. i’m ten. c. i like grapes.

3. how old are you? (

a. i’m fine, thank you. b. i can see 11. c. i’m 7.

4. where are you from? (

a. i’m from america. b. yes, i am. c. no, i don’t.

5. let’s h**e a race. (

a. good idea. b. i h**e 16. c. yes, i do.

6. i’m sorry. (

a. sure. b. it’s ok. c. it’s a dog.

7. what’s your name? (

a. i’m 12. b. my name’s jack. c. very well, thanks.

8. h**e some fruits. (

a. thank you. b. certainly. c. goodbye.

9. how many apples do you h**e? (

a. i h**e 20. b. i’m 12. c. i can see 15.

10. who’s that woman? (

a. he’s my mother. b. she’s my grandpa. c. she’s my mom.


( )where are you from?

) welcome to china. nice to meet you.

) hi, bai ling! this is my friend, amy.

) thank you!

) i’m from canada.

) nice to meet you, too.

) oh, great! i like canada.

十。一、选择题。1.包含了英语全部26个字母的句子是( )

brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

like the big red apple.

bob h**e english and chinese class today?


a. who are you? b. how are you? c. here you are.


a. this is john. b. nice to meet you. h**e a new book.


a thank you. .c. happy birthday.

5、你的好朋友问:where is your bag? 你指着书包说:(

a. this is my bag. b. here it is. you are.


a. happy children’s! b. happy teacher’s day! morning.


一 填入所缺字母,使之成为正确的单词 20分 1 ch pst cks 筷子 2 h m urger 汉堡包 3 f rk 叉 4 fas foo 快餐 5 knif 刀 6 p ople 人们 7 ch ps 薯条 8 h d 困难的 9 e s 容易的 10 r ver 河流 二 我是小小翻译家...


2018 2019学年度第一学期。满分 100分竞赛时间 45分钟 一 根据 提示,将下列单词补充完整。共5小题,每小题1分,记5分 1.ook 2.gg 3.pple 4.ift 5.rayon 二 给下列单词选择正确的翻译。共5小题,每小题1分,记5分 1.eraser a.尺子 b.橡皮。2....


a 写出所给字母左右相邻的字母的大小写形式。b 根据所给单词,把能使句意完整通顺的单词的序号填到括号里。6.what coloryour bag?7.i h eeraser.8.what s this english?9.show mebook.10.i m from a.chineseb.chin...