
发布 2021-02-20 12:43:28 阅读 2659





windowpencilkitebird( )


)1、a、new b、this c、that

)2、a、desk b、classroom c、chair

)3、a、cap b、dog c、cat

)4、a、bird b、two c、eight

)5、a、school b、book c、pencil

)6、a、green b、black c、chameleon

)7、a、mrb、ms c、teacher

)8、a、my b、your c、you



a、are b、is c、it’ s


a、\ b、the c、an

)3、 -iamaboy. -iamaboy,__

a. two

( )4、--how manynine.

a、girl b、girls c、boy

( )5、sit___lingling.

a、up b、down c、\

)6、 here’s __present.

a. your c. you

)7、--is it a monster

a. yes , it isn’t . b. no, it is. c. yes, it is .

( )8、--happy birthday, sam

a. good nine c. thank you

( )9i’m eight.

a. how many books are you c. how old are you

)10、i___nine and you __ten .

a. am ; are b. is ; are c. am ; is

四、看图,选择正确的句子 。(只写序号)(12分)

) 1. a. it’s a book2. a. i’m a dog .

b . it’s a schoolbagb. i’m a cat .

)3. a. this is my new kite4. a. i’m eleven .

b. this is a birdb. i’m twelve.

) to the desk6. a. i’m a teacher .

b. point to the chairb. i’m a pupil .



a. hi! daming.


a. what’sthis? b. what’sthat? c. i don’t know .


b. what’sthis?


your present . b. goodbye.

)5、小方指着一把椅子问你“is it a desk ”,你应该回答:, it is. b. no, it isn’t . c. pointtothedesk.


b. what’sthat? c. how many ?


( )1. how are youa. my name is panpan .

)2. what’s your nameb. i’m fine ,thank you.

) i’m lilyc. it’s a blue bag .

) thatd. hi, lily.

) the pene. it’s in the desk .


a:hi! chen jie. happy birthday ! here’s your present.

b:thank you .

a:you’re welcome .

b:what’s this ?

a:it’s a pen .

b:what colour is it ?

a:it is blue .

b:i like(喜欢) it . thank you .

( )1. it’s sam’s birthday .

)2. the present is a pen .

) pen is red .

) pen is blue .

) jie likes(喜欢) the pen.


2018 2019学年度第一学期。满分 100分竞赛时间 45分钟 一 根据 提示,将下列单词补充完整。共5小题,每小题1分,记5分 1.ook 2.gg 3.pple 4.ift 5.rayon 二 给下列单词选择正确的翻译。共5小题,每小题1分,记5分 1.eraser a.尺子 b.橡皮。2....


a 写出所给字母左右相邻的字母的大小写形式。b 根据所给单词,把能使句意完整通顺的单词的序号填到括号里。6.what coloryour bag?7.i h eeraser.8.what s this english?9.show mebook.10.i m from a.chineseb.chin...


一 填入所缺字母,使之成为正确的单词 20分 1 ch pst cks 筷子 2 h m urger 汉堡包 3 f rk 叉 4 fas foo 快餐 5 knif 刀 6 p ople 人们 7 ch ps 薯条 8 h d 困难的 9 e s 容易的 10 r ver 河流 二 我是小小翻译家...