
发布 2021-02-20 12:34:28 阅读 3065

排序。1、()nicetomeetyou .(let'sdrawakite.()hello,peter,thisisgaowei.



)i'm fine, thanks12、( ok,here you are.( hello ,mr li!how are youh**e an apple.

3、( oh, sorryno, thanks,i like pears.( look at my arm13、( mum, can i h**e some( )good morning, peter. how are youjuice, please?

)not very wellthank you, mum.

4、( how are you ,gao weiyes, here you are.( oh, no! i'm sorry14、( show it.

)not too good, look at my legglue it to a stick.5、( rellycolour it.( wow!

it's superdraw a bear.( yes, look here15、( colour it.( lisa, lisa!

i h**e a new cardraw a bird.

6、( hi, yang mingstick it to a tape.( surecut it out.

)really16、( talk about your face.( can i see itput an elastic band.( i h**e a new bikedraw a face.

7、( sure,here you areput on the mask.( look, i h**e a plane17、( this is peter.( you're welcomehi, john.

)thank youthis is yang ming.( can i see itglad to meet you , too.8、( look!

red and blueglad to meet you.

)hi, li yan, i h**e a new pencil. 18、( good afternoon, how are you?( what colour is itfine, thank you.

)oh, how nicegood afternoon, nancy.9、( yellow? (i h**e a bus19、( how are you?

( really? what colour is itgood evening.( red?

blue? greenoh, sorry.

)guessnot too good!( nolook at my foot.( yes20、( i'm fine.

10 ( colour it black and whitehow are you?( okit's nice!

)hi, 's draw a pandagood afternoon, peter.( greatthis is my bag.11 ( colour it pink, orange and greygood.

and you?

)all rightgood afternoon, kate.

21()caniseeit?kate:this is my bag.


)really?()2、a . to meet you.

()hello, wangliang!()3、's bigb. it's good.

22、()look! ih**eanewplane.3、a

)you' whatcolourisit?b


)hi, peter, ih**eanewcar.()2、'syourname?()guess.

()3、 it'snice! 's purple.4、kate:

hi, peter

)hello! 'm___too.

)really? whatcolourisit?kate:look! i___akite.25、()

)ok, )happybirthday!()1、a. goodmorning!

thanks. ilikepears.()3、 thanks, canih**esomewater?


)ok, hereyouare.()5、 peter. let's drawakite.()


1、micky: good___

mimi: good eveninga:let's fly___micky:i'm mickyb:__

what's___name1、 's mimi2、 goodbye3、 )1、 三、判断。

)2、 1、当你在路上遇见朋友时,可以说:hello!()3、 2、当你早上遇见张老师时,应:说goodmorning,( 4、 mr zhang.(

2、kate: my name's kate3、当你想知道别人的名字时,可以说:peteri'm peter.(

kate4、当你想和朋友告别时,可以说:morning.( peter:glad to meet you5、当你遇见li yan时,可以说:hi i'm li yan.(

6、当你想知道别人名字时,可以说:what's your

like hamburgers.7、当你晚上**睡觉时,和爸爸妈妈说: h**e )我有一些可乐。

8、当你向别人介绍自己时,可以说:yang like coke. h**e some coke.

9、当你和别人告别时可以说:goodbye16、( 想表达我想要一些水。会说10、当你问别人早上好时,会说good i h**e some juice, please?

11、当你得知别人脚受伤时,会说oh, sorryb. can i h**e some water, please?

12、当你与人告别时,会说good evening17、( 想问别人这是牛奶吗?会说13、当你初次与人见面时,会说nice to meet this milk? is milk.

you1814、当你想表达身体不太好时,会说i'm you are. you.

四、选择191、()glad to meet youpencil-box?

morning to meet you202、( what's your 's 're 's

name's kate is

3、( hello, i'm colour

i'm micky is micky234、( good night, mumgreen.

's lisa night, lisa245、(

evening256、()向海伦介绍刘涛时,你说 colour is liu tao. this is helen . this is liu tao.

7、( 第一次见到对方,你说'm kate to meet you.

8、( 早上遇见王老师,你应该说 morning,mr wang . afternoon, mr wang .9、( what'__name?

)how___you? _my b. is

12、( look___my

13thank 's big )我喜欢汉堡包。


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