
发布 2022-11-29 15:56:28 阅读 2766



本卷有十四大题,共4 页,满分100分,考试用时70分钟)

听力部分 40%


二、听句子三次,根据听到的顺序给图编号,把其大写字母编号写在答题卡上相应的括号内 (10%)


17. a it's yellowb. it's a pen.

18. a. okb. it's a nice picture.

19. a. no, she isn'tb. no, there isn't.

20. a. no. i don’tb. of course.

21. a. he's benb. he's strong.

22. a. they are xiaoling’s. b. they are lovely.

i dob. yes, i am.

24. a. i like greenb. i like oranges.


25. let's colour the birda. redb purple)

26. the pencil-box is __the tv (a beside b behind)

27. my telephone number isa.38957891 b.38956891)

28. there is a __girl in the photo. (a he**y b lovely)

29. how many___do you h**e? (a petsb. pears)

30.__is my rulera. what b where)

31. whose toys area. these b those)

32. the___man is my uncle (a. thinb tall)


音素部分( 10 %



元音: 47. tr___n ( ai , ea ) 48. g___t ( ie ,oa ) 49. h__se ( ou, or )

50. j__k__(u-e ,o-e ) 51. gr__p__(i-e, a-e ) 52. f__m ( ar ,oo)

辅音: 53. _in(th , ph) 54.

stu__(ng ,ck ) 55. _ort( ch ,sh ) sh ) 57. gra___ph ,wh ) 58.

_at ( ch, wh )



59. r,a,c,o,y,n 60. o,r,o,b,t 61. r, a, g, p,e 62. o,r,h,s,e 63. h,o,p,s


68. the chair isn’t in front of the desk.

69. there isn't a cat under the bed.

70. there is a ship on the desk.

71. there is a photo of a dog.

72. there are two beds in the room.

73. the ball is under the chair.


old mana. a b. an

are two __in the mouse. a. mouse b. mice

76.. the___h**e big eyesa. cat b .fish

77. the monkeys __long tailsa. has b. h**e

78.__any pens in the box? a .is there b. are there

79. may i h**e i___orangesa. some b .any

father and mother___thirty-five. a .is b .are

on the deska .box

82. there __a cat and two dogs in the shop. .are

83is this ruler? ben’s. a. who. b. whose.


colour are the jack’s.

the strong yellow and green.

we h**e some here you are.

there a robot near the tom.

rabbit is there isn’t.


ben: good morning, janet.

janet: good morning,ben.

ben: look at the big bag over there. there are

three pink dolls and five orange dolls in it.

janet: yes. they’re really cute. i like them

very much. whose are they?

ben: they’re my sister lucy’s.


a: (95are you?

b: i’m seven. what about you?

a: i’m(96too.

b: is this a photo(97your family?

a: yes. this is my father and this is my mother.

b: (98this pretty lady?

a: she’s my aunt, my mother’s sister.

b: (99aunts do you h**e?

a: i (100)__two.


2012 学年第二学期三年级英语期末考试卷。classname 听力部分 50分 一 听字母组合 数字组合或单词2次,选出所听到的内容,在所选答案的括号内打 10分 1.dea bdh2.fmglnc 5.cathat6.name face 7.dollball8.bedred 9.meetme10...


2016 2017学年度第一学期小学三年级期末检测卷。英语a卷。考试时间 60分钟满分 80分 听力部分 40分 1 仿照例子,听写字母补全单词,听三遍。7分 2 听词组三遍,用英文大写字母给图编号。8分 3 听句子三遍,判断句子是否与图相符,相符的在括号里打 否则 8分 4 听小对话三遍,出出符合...


2016 2017学年度第一学期小学三年级期末检测卷。英语b卷分数 考试时间 80分钟满分 100分 听力部分 42分 一 请在括号里 出你所听到的内容,每小题听三遍。6分 二 听单词或词组三遍,用英文大写字母给图编号。5分 三 听车牌号码三遍,仿照例子用大写字母和阿拉伯数字把车牌号码写在横线上。6...