
发布 2022-12-02 02:44:28 阅读 5973

module 1 colors(颜色)

1.—let’s go to play. /let’s play a game. /let’s …(建议某人做某事)

let’s color it. /let’s color it yellow. /let’s color the +物+色。

ok./ good idea. /great. /that’s good.

2.—what color is it?/what color is the +物(单数)? it’s(it is)+颜色。

—what color are they?/what color are the+物(复数)? they’re(they are)+色。

3.—what color do you like?—i like +色。

4.—do you h**e/like …?yes, i do. —no, i don’t.

module 2 positions(位置)

1.—where’s my +物(单数)?/where is the+物(单数)?

—it’s +方位词+the+物。 /the+物(单数)is+方位词+the+物。

eg. where’s my car?/ where is the dog?

it’s on the desk. /the dog is under the chair.

—where are they?/where are the +物(复数)?

they are +方位词+the+物。/ the+物(复数)are+方位词+the+物。

eg. where are they? /where are the cats?

they are on the bed./ the cats are in the box.

the可以换成my, your)

2.—is it +方位词+the+物?/ is the+物(单数) +方位词+the+物?

eg. is it in front of the tv?/ is the book behind the schoolbag?

yes, it is. —no, it isn’t.

module 3 personal information(个人信息)

1.—how old are you?(问年龄)—i am(i’m)+数字。/i am +数字+years old.

—how are you?(问好) —fine./i am fine. thank you.

2.—this is for you./the toy car is for you. /the bananas are for you.

—thank you.

3.—happy birthday! —thank you.

4.—may i h**e your telephone number? —yes./ok. it’s +**号码。

5.—what’s your telephone number? —it’s +**号码。

module 4 fruits(水果)

1.—may(can)i h**e an apple/some grapes?

—sure./ of course./ok./yes. here you are.

2. i want/like an orange/some pears.

3. but we h**e some bananas. (but用于转折)

4.—what do you want? —i want …

5. bananas are good for us. (be good for对……有好处)

6.—what fruit do you like? —i like (some)+水果(复数).

7. what about you? 你呢?(反问别人情况)

8. what is for lunch? 以什么作为午餐?

module 5 relatives(亲属)

1.—who is he/she/the +man(lady, woman, boy, girl, baby)?

—he/she is +人名。/ he/she is my father (mother).

—who are they/the +人物(复数)? 人物(复):men, women, boys, girls, babies

—they are +人名(复数)lily and xiaoling/ they are my sisters/my mum and dad.

2. there is an old man in the photo.

there are four toy rabbits on the table.

3.—how many people are there in your/jiamin’s family?

there are+数字。/there is one.

4. so you h**e a big family.

module 6 pets (宠物)

1.—is there a cat in the shop?

yes, there is./no, there isn’t.

are there any +物(复数)over there?

—yes, there are./no, there aren’t.

2.—are they your rabbits?



这些成语典故“贮藏”在学生脑中,自然会出口成章,写作时便会随心所欲地“提取”出来,使文章增色添辉。 —yes, they are./no, they aren’t.

they are 人名’s.








3.—whose rabbits are these/those/they?

—they are ben’s (rabbits). they are人名’s(+物复).


相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 —whose rabbit is it?

—it is ben’s (rabbit). it is人名’s(+物单)


module 1 colors 颜色 1.let s go to play.let s play a game.let s 建议某人做某事 let s color it.let s color it yellow.let s color the 物 色。ok.good idea.great.that...


广州版五年级上册英语复习资料。语法 1.一般现在时 经常做 标志词 usually,often,always,sometimes,never,every 构成 a.主语为第。一 二人称及复数时,动词就用原形 b.主语为第三人称单数时,动词后加s或es.变化规律 a.直接在词尾加s 如 play pl...


广州版五年级上册英语复习资料。语法 1.一般现在时 经常做 标志词 usually,often,always,sometimes,never,every 构成 a.主语为第。一 二人称及复数时,动词就用原形 b.主语为第三人称单数时,动词后加s或es.变化规律 a.直接在词尾加s 如 play pl...