三年级下册期中试卷 新版

发布 2022-11-27 12:08:28 阅读 7605


姓名。一。 read and judge (读一读,判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同用√表示,不同用×表示)

1. cake bag2. kite nice

3. ten me4. baby face

二、 read and choose.(选出与其他不同类的单词,将序号填在前面的括号内。)

)(1)a. pen b. monkey c. ruler

)(2)a. redb. student c. teacher

)(3)a. sixb. mom c. dad

)(4)a. morning b. brother c. afternoon

)(5)a. faceb. nose c. goodbye

三、read and match.(单词配对,找出下列单词的汉语意思)

a. 老师 b. 爷爷 c. 女孩 d. 姐妹 e. 你、你们 f. 学生。

g. 爸爸 h. 男人 i. 包 j. 男孩。

) girlstudent ( teacher ( grandfatheryoufathersistermanboybag

四、 read and answer.(找答语,将右栏答语前的序号填在前面的括号内)

( )1)where are you froma. she's my sister.

)(2)who’s that girlb. nice to meet you,too.

)(3)nice to meet youc. he's my father.

)(4)who’s that mand. i’m from china.

)(5)is she your mothere. yes, she is.

五、 read and choose.(选择填空。把正确答案前的序号写在前面括号里。)

) 1) -who’s that girl? -she my friend.

a. areb. is

) 2) -where are you fromam from china.

a. ib. he

3) look that dog. it’s fat. a. at b . in

) 4)it a long tail.

a. hasb. h**e

)(5) -who is that womanis my mother.

a. heb. she

)(6) this my friend,amy.

a. amb. is

)(7) -nice to meet you. -nice to meet you, .

a. fromb. too

)(8)the elephant has two big .

a. eyeb. ears

) 9)the fish has a (长的) body.

a. shortb. long

)(10) good afternoon. 回答应是

a. good afternoon. b . good morning.

六、read and choose.(给句子选择正确的意思,将序号填在括号内。10分。)

)she is a new studenta它有短腿!

)it has short legsb她是一个新学生。

)this is my familyc 使你的胳膊变长。

)make your arms longd 他是我的新老师。

)he’s my new teachere 这是我的家人。

七、read and choose.(根据对话内容填空,将序号填在横线上。)

a. he’s my brotherb. yes, she is.

c. he’s my teacherd. is he your father

八、read and answer . 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。

my name is mike. i am a boy. i`m nine.

i am a student. i h**e a happy family. my father is a teacher.

my mother is a teacher, too. i h**e two sisters. they are 10.

i h**e a brother. he`s ted. he`s only 5.

)1. i am mike4. mike has one sister.

)2. mike is a student5. ted is a girl.

)3. mother is a teacher.


2012 2013 学年第二学期英语期中测试卷。1 小法官断案。判断单词与 是否相符,用 或 表示 10分 the ukcana t teachershe 二 找出不同类的词,把序号写在括号里。10分 1 a.father b.mother c.fish 2 a.teacher b.bird c.t...


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