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2012~2013 学年第二学期英语期中测试卷。


the ukcana****t



) 1、a. father b. mother c. fish

) 2、a. teacher b. bird c. tiger

) 3、a. china b. australia c. name

) 4、a. small b. thatc. big

) 5、a. boy b. he c .she


) that boya. i’m from china.

)2. is she your motherb. he’s my brother.

)3. nice to meet

)4. where are you fromd. nice to meet you, too.

)5. let’s playe. yes, she is.


)1.--is he your father? -oh, yes. he's my

) pencil is long. his pencil is

) bear isthe baby monkey is thin.

) is sarah’s father. the woman is sarah’s mother.

)5.--is she your grandmother?

yes, she’s mythat is my grandpa.


) is my . she is tall.

a. fatherb. grandmother c. grandfather

)2. the pig is so .

a. thinb. longc. fat

)3. the elephant a long nose.

a. hasb. h**ec. is

)4. a boy. a girl.

a. he’s, he’s b. she’s, he’sc. he’s, she’s

)5i’m from the uk.

a. who’s the boy? b. what’s your name? c. where are you from?

) a girl. he a boy.

a. are, am b. are, is c. is, is

) is from

a. ukb. the usac. the canada

) to school!

a. bookb. backc. black

) he your teacher

a. yes, he isn’t. b. no, he is. c. no, he isn’t. he’s my friend, mike.

)10. the small one a monkey.

a. areb. hasc. is


) 来自美国,他做自我介绍时,应该说: .

a. hi, i’m john. i’m from the uk.

b. hello, i’m john. i’m a boy. i’m from the usa.

)2.开学时你再次遇到老同学,你该怎样问候他: .

a. hi, mikeb. nice to see you again. c. how are you?

)3.当你想介绍mike给你母亲认识时,你可以说: .

a. hello, mum b. hi, mike c. mum, this is mike

)4.班里来了位新同学,大家表示欢迎,应该说: .

a. welcome! b. goodbye. c. how are you?

)5.想描述大象的特征,你应说: .

a. it has a short tail. it’s fat and big. it’s black and white.

b. it’s big and fat. it has a long nose.

)6.询问同桌**上的女士是不是他(她)妈妈,应该问 :

a. is she your mother? b. is he your father? c. yes, she is.


1. nice to meet you, li li.

2. where are you from?

3. hi, sarah. this is my friend li li.

4. nice to meet you ,too.

5. i’m from shangdong.


1. that, man, who, is (?

2. at, look, that, giraffe (

3. from, you, where, are (?

4. has, it, long, a, nose (

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