小学三年级下册期末调研考试英语试卷 A

发布 2022-11-26 17:18:28 阅读 9475


英语试卷 (a)






colour is this balloon?

2. how many pens are there?



)1.—are you lingling?

i i i’m not.

)2.—is this an orange?

it isn’t. it it is.

)3看)the t-shirts.


( )4什么时间)is it?

it’s seven o’clock.

time ( )5.—what’s he?

he is a学生)

( )6.—is he a farmer?

he isn’t. he is. he is.

( )7.—what colour is this balloon?


( )8.—what’s the weather like?


( )9. i go to school做公交车)

bike ( )10.—how are you?

fine. not very well.

iv. 给下列**选择相应的单词。只填字母序号。(10分)


a栏b栏 ) at the shirta.他是一名邮递员。

) are thirteen pens. b.这是一个苹果。

) ia an applec.有13枝钢笔。

) is a postmand.我有一个红色的气球。

) h**e a re balloone.看这件衬衫。


(20分)( )is a policewoman.

( )is a teacher.

( )is a fireman.

( )is a farmer.

( )is a doctor.


lily is four years old. she is tall(高) and beautiful. she has big

and blue eyes. she likes animals. lily wants to keep(养) a pet pig(宠物。

猪). one day in a pet shop, she sees a white pet pig and wants to buy

it. her mother says to her, “if(如果) we buy this pet pig, we should (应。

该) do something for him. one people(人) cleans(打扫) the house(房。

子)for him. one people gives good food(食物) to him. and one people

takes a bath(洗澡) for him. your father and i can do two things for the

pet pig. what do you want to do(想做) for the pet pig?” lily says, “let me be (让我做) the pet pig.

”1. lily is a beautiful girl.

2. lily’s mother likes animals.

3. lily sees a blue pet pig in a shop.

4. if you h**e a pet pig, you h**e to do three things for him.

5. lily hopes(希望) to do nothing(什么事也不做)for the pet


1. i like a sunny days2. it’s seven o’clock.


pep小学英语三年级下册期末检测卷。笔试部分 50分 一 请把对应的大 小写字母连起来。1分 10 二 看图连线。10分 bike box egg umbrella ant 三 根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。10分 can i use your pen1 yes,i do do...


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