
发布 2022-11-29 22:38:28 阅读 4687


一。 判断每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“s”,不相同的写“d”。(6分)

1. bob paul2. mother family3. red run

4. stand cousin5. make name6. jacket right (


1. 关窗户2. 在课桌下面。

3. 在农场4. 八支铅笔。

5. 这些苹果6. look at my picture

7. welcome to8. wake up

9. in class10. sit down


) 1. —who’s that girlmy sister.

a. she’sb. he’sc. it’s

) 2. it’s seven in the morning. it’s time for

a. dinnerb. lunchc. school

) 3. don’t __my milk.

a. eatb. runc. drink

) 4. look, a white cat(猫) is __the tree.

a. inb. onc. at

) 5a beautiful cake!

a. howb. whoc. what

) 6. would you likeapples?

a. ab. anc. two

) 7is it? -it’s nine o’clock.

a. how oldb. what time c. who

) 8. —what are these in the bag? —they’re___

a. pictureb. a picturec. pictures

) 9are you? i’m twelve.

a. whereb. how oldc. who

) this __uncleyes, he is.

hec. your

) 9. 早上妈妈叫你起床,她说:

a. wake up. b. hurry up. c. it’s time for breakfast.

) 10. 你想说这不是你的橡皮,你说:

a. it’s my rubber. b. this is my rubber. c. this isn’t my rubber.

) 11.你告诉别人,这是我的妹妹杨玲时,你会说:

a. this is yang lingb. this is my sister, yang ling.

c. that’s my sister.

) 12.晚上九点了。妈妈让你去睡觉,她会说:

a. it’s time for classb. it’s time for dinner.

c. it’s time for bed.

( )13. 同学给你送来了午餐盒,你说:

a. here’s your lunch boxb. is that your lunch box?

c. thank you.

) 14. 你想要一辆玩具小汽车,你说:

a. this is my toy car. b. i want a toy car. c. i want a toy.

) 15. 你上课迟到了,老师会说:

a. don’t be late againb. i’m sorry.

c. what time is it?


iii ) 1. where’s my pencila. he’s seven.

) 2. how old is mikeb. no. they aren’t.

) 3. are these pigsc. it’s four o’clock.

) 4. what time is itd. i’m sorry.

) 5. don’t shout in the library. e. it’s in the pencil case.

) 6. is that your schoolbag? f. she’s my aunt.

) 7. who’s that womang. no, it isn’t.

) 8. this is my cousinh. nice to meet you.


a. look! it’s under the desk.

b. he’s my father.

c. where’s my picture, yang ling?

d. is this your mother?

e. yes, thank you.

f. who’s the man in the picture, mike?

g. yes, she is.


1is it, mum?


it’s timeschool(学校).

- goodbye, mum.

-- what’s

-- it’s a

-- what those?

-- they’re

this yourliu tao?

-- no, it isn’t.

is it?

-- it’s the book.


a: good morning, mike.

b: good morning. welcome to my home(家), wang bing.

a: thank you. who’s she?

b: she’s my sister helen.

a: nice to meet you, helen.

c: nice to meet you, too, wang bing.

a: is that man your father?

b: no. he’s my uncle.

a: i see(我明白). what’s that on the desk?

b: it’s a robot.

a: how nice!

)1. who’s the girl?

a. nancyb. helenc. mary.

)2. is the man wang bing’s father?

a. yes, he isb. no, he isn’t. c. yes, she is.

)3. who’s the man?

a. wang bing’s uncle. b. mike’s uncle. c. nancy’s uncle.

)4. what’s that on the desk?

a. a robotb. an applec. a doll.b.


3.你想要吃一颗糖吗不要在这里吃东西。8.这是一把尺子吗?是的,它是。9.那是一块橡皮吗?不,它不是。10 这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是。11.那是你的书包吗?不,它不是。12.它是什么13.这是给你的。14.这不是我的铅笔袋15.那不是我的午餐盒。16.它在那里。17.鸟在 它在树上。在 他在门后面...

译林版 三年级英语下册期末复习要点练习

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