
发布 2022-11-26 09:22:28 阅读 1875




glad to meet you.—glad to meet you, too(很高兴见到你。我也很高兴见到你)glad to see you again.

—me, too.(很高兴再次见到你。-我也是。

)how are you?—not bad. /i’m ok.

/i’m fine.(你好吗?-不坏。

我很好。我很好。)and you?

—i’m ok.(你呢?我很好。

)how do you do?—how do you do?(你好吗-你好吗?

)thank you.—that’s ok.(谢谢您。

那是好的)thank you.—not at all.(谢谢您。


it’s a ….it’s too short/big/long/old/new.(太短了/大/长/老/新)it’s a nice blouse/vest.(这是件漂亮的衬衫/马甲)

i am not good at english/chinese/maths.—i can help you.

我不擅长英语/语文/数学。我可以帮你。)what colour is your dress?—it’s red/yellow….

你的连衣裙是什么颜色的?它是红色的/黄色的)the hat/coat(帽子/外套)is yellow/red(黄色/红色)a red dress for you. it’s nice .

(给你的一条红裙子。这件很漂亮。)so many animals.

(这么多动物)how nice! cool!


)what a fine day! what a big cake!(多好的天气啊!

多大的蛋糕!)it’s fun ( to run) in the sun.(在阳光下跑步是有趣的)


unit 1句型 we h e two new fiends today.今天我们有两名新朋友。where are you from?你来自 i m from the uk.我来自英国。what about you?你呢?unit2句型 who s that man?那位男士是谁?he s my f...


1 where are you from?你来自 i m 我来自美国。2 i m sorry.对不起。it s ok没关系。3 happy women s day 妇女节快乐!thank you.谢谢你。4 who s that woman?那个女人是谁?she s my mother.她是我的妈妈...


三年级上期重点句型。l1 it s our first day of school.今天是我们开学的第一天。l2 welcome to our class.欢迎到我们班来。l3 let s make some cards for them.让我们为他们做些卡片。l5 who knows the te...