
发布 2022-11-26 07:09:28 阅读 1995

三年级英语第二学期期末测试 (一) 听力部分。


) 1. hi, i'm amy. i am a2. -who's that man?

a. boy b. girlhe's my

a. father b. grandfather.

) 3. -how many kites can you see4. i like __

---i can seea. peaches b. oranges

a. twelve b. twenty

( )5. i h**e a6. the rabbit hasears.

a. taxi b. jeepa. long b. tall

( )7. show me8. my car number is __

a. prc b. jpga. y 231 b. x 519

) 9. -where is my pencil10. i can say from a to

-- it's under thea. g b. j

a. desk b. chair





) hi, i'm amy. i'm from america.

) who's that woman?

) where are you from?

) do you like watermelons?

) oh, you are tall. i'm short.

) i can see 15 monkeys.

) she's my mother.

) sorry, i don't like watermelons.

) look, the crayon is under the book.

) how many monkeys can you see?



) 1. a. i'm from canada. b. i'm john.

) 2. a. she's my sister. b. he's my grandfather.

) 3. a. ok! b. goodbye.

) 4. a. oh, how nice! b. i can see 17.

) 5. a. thank you. b. yes, i do.

) 6. a. certainly! b. look out!

) 7. a. great! b. on the desk.

) 8. a. see nice to meet you, too.

) 9. a. sure, here you oh, it's so big.

) no, thank you. b. no problem.


b. desk


a. teacher b. egg c. fish d. goose e. eighteen

f. jeep g. grapes h. squirrel i. taxi j. deer


apples nineteen bananas woman elephant

三年级英语第二学期期末测试 (二) 听力部分 (32%)


二、listen and match(8分)

三、listen and circle(8分)

四、listen and tick or cross(8分)

综合语言运用部分 (68%)



father grandma sister brother mother sarah grandpa


thirteen eleven

nineteen 18-6= 13+7= twelve

sixteen twenty


1. who’s that man? he is my father.

2. hello,i am amy. i’m from america.

3. how many books do you h**e?i h**e fourteen.

4. the duck is in the box.

5. this is a mouse. it’s small.


三年级英语第二学期期末测试 (三)(第一部分听力)


1. a. teacher b. student c. friend

2. a. sister b. brother c. mother

3. a. eleven b. seventeen c. thirteen

4. a. desk b. chair c. bus

5. a. strawberry b. watermelon c. peach

6. a. tall b. small c. short


三年级英语第二学期三单元测试 (四)听力部分(70分)


) 1. a. 11 b. 12

小学三年级 下 期末英语试题

60分钟 听力部分 共60分 i.我会标,听录音把下面 标号 10分 ii 我会选,选择你所听到的单词,把序号写在题前面的括号内。10分 1 a they b thin c toy 2 a pass b like c give 3 a for b eat c sing 4 a summer b sp...


writing part笔试部分 40分 一 看 补全单词,并把首字母的大写和小写形式写在四线格上。6分 二。read find and choose.看图,选择正确的单词并将序号写在题前括号里。ear eye hand face nose arm leg foot 三 look and choos...


精选文档。pep三年级英语试题分析。听力部分一listen and tick 难度适中,学生基本全对,个别学生错 题。二listen and number 清晰,基本不失分,注意答题规范。三listen and match 考查实物和颜色的综合知识,有一定难度,另加 印刷不清晰,学生做题有难度,导致...