
发布 2022-11-12 08:52:28 阅读 5227

三年级(人教版)上册英语期末模拟试卷满分 100分。


一、 单词辨音,相同s,不同d。(10分)

) fine2. grade class

( )3. big nine4. apple today

( )farmer

二、 给下列词语分类,有一词不属于任何一类。(15分)

a. egg c. carrots

g. driver dog j. water

0 teacher



三、 单项选择。(20分)

)1. this___my mother. she ‘s beautiful.

a. am

)2. where___you from?

a. am

)3. lisa and kate are good


)4. my aunt is __

english teacher english teacher c. an nurse

)5is your uncle?--he is a doctor.

a. where c. what

)6. come___girls.

)7. li yan is from___

a. beijing, china.

b. china,beijing

c. beijing, china.

)8. h**e __fruit .

c./ ) am in五年级6班)

five, grade six

b. class six, grade five

c. class six, grade five

) 10. what is this __english?

a. at

)11. this green pencil is __you.

c. of ) is __number?

a. her

)13. _four and five?

a. what is c. what is

)14. can you count __one __twenty?

a. to, from to c. from, and

) 15it is 8:00.

a. what is time?

b. what time is ?

c. what is the time?

)16.--tom like apples?--yes, he does.

)17. i like

and milk and milks and milk

)18. it is very cold. _your coat.

on b. take off c. put off

)19. _is the weather today?

)20. -is it black or blue

a. yes, it’s black.

b. no, it’s blue.

c. it is blue.

四、 按要求完成各题。(15分)

一)1. boy(对应词2. big(反义词。

3. tomato(复数4. zoo(复数。

5. what is(缩写形式6. 3+5

7. man(复数)__


8. p__ a__g e10. f___v___


1. kite , with, let’s , my ,play

2. zoo, we, to ,the ,go, shall

3. t-shirt, a ,can, h**e , i ,new

4. cold, please, h**e ,can, some, i ,water (?

5. swimming, let’s, go

五、 根据问句,选择正确答语。(20分)

) i h**e some apple juice?

( )2. do you like watermelons?

( )3. what class are you in ?

( )4. what is your father?

( )5. are you jim?

( )is seven and nine?

( )7. where is my eraser?

( )8. what colour is your skirt?

( )9. how old is your sister?

( )10. what’s the weather like today?

a. it’s red.

b. he is a doctor.

c. it’s on the desk.

d. it’s fine.

e. she is 6 years old.

f. you are.

g. no , i am mike.

h. i. 24、目前,我国的航天技术在世界上占有相当重要的位置。

“长征四号”运载火箭的顺利发射,载人飞船“神舟”五号和“神舟”六号和“神舟”七号也已经发射成功,“嫦娥”一号探月卫星又发射成功。yes, i do.

j. i am in class 6,grade 3.

k. it’s sixteen.



17、近年来,我国积极推广“无车日”活动,以节约能源和保护环境。科学家也正在研制太阳能汽车和燃料电池汽车,减少对空气的污染。tom is from america.

he is eleven. he is a student. he is in class4, grade 3.

he likes english and chinese. he is a good student. his father is a doctor in a hospital.

and his mother is a teacher. she teaches english. tom has got a sisiter.

her name is sue. she is two years old. she can’t go to school.

because she is too young. she likes playing dolls. she likes them very much.


)1. tom is an english boy.

( )2. there are four people in tom’s family.

( )3. his father is an english teacher. and his mother is a doctor.

( )4. tom and his sister go to school every day.

第一单元微小世界 ( 5. sue likes her dolls very much.


答:烧饭时米变成了饭;写字时纸上留下了字迹;下雨后路上的积水慢慢地变成水蒸气消失在空中;岩石风化变成沙子等。today is sunny.

jack and his dad are in the zoo now. there are tigers, monkeys ,bears and lions. oh, that is an elephant.

it has a long nose and big ears. jack likes elephants and monkeys. his dad likes tigers, lions and bears.

they are very happy.


)1. what is the weather like today?

a. b. 4、如何借助大熊座找到北极星?(p58)it’s cloudy. sunny . c. it’s rainy.


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