
发布 2022-11-18 20:27:28 阅读 7427



姓名班级:一 .根据下面的描述,猜猜它是什么,并选出正确的答案。(20)

1. i h**e a long body . i’m black . i h**e no arms and no legs .

a. elephantb .catc. snake

2. i h**e red eyes . i h**e long ears and white body .

a . rabbitb .duckc. dog

3. i h**e big body, big ears , big legs , long nose .

a. duckb. catc. elephant

4. i h**e black eyes and ears . i h**e a black and white body .

a . pigb. birdc . panda

5. i’m small. i’m white ,or i’m black ,or i’m yellow . i like fish .

a. catb. bearc. duck

6. i’m fat . i h**e a big nose , big ears . i like eat . i like sleep .

a. mouseb. pigc. squirrel

7. i h**e a small body , small mouth , long tail . i don’t like cat .

a. rabbitb. mousec. cat

8. i’m small , i can fly .

a. elephantb. pigc. bird

9. i’m round , i’m red , i’m healthy .

a. appleb. pigc. cake

10. i h**e ten brothers , some are long , some are short .

a. bodyb. facec. finger

二. 根据下面的描述涂颜色。(10)

1. rabbit : colour the ears blue , colour the face purple , colour the body red , colour the arms yellow , colour the legs pink

2. cat : colour the ears pink , colour the face pink , colour the nose blue , colour the hands yellow , colour the body red .

三. 找出与下列单词同类的单词,并把选项写在括号里。(15)

)1. eyea. nose b. pen c. dog

)2. pena. hamburger b. ruler c. blue

)3. greena. bird b. cat c. white

)4. onea. milk b. car c. two

)5. cokea. mouth b. juice c. bag

)6. hamburger a. hot dog b. duck

)7. bodya. mouth b. mouse c. nine

)8. balla. doll b. bread c. happy

)9. rabbit b. brown c. hand

)10. boata. chicken c. coke


1. 钢笔 sdapenfads2. 蛋糕 jgfwercake

3. 黄色 yellowopefa4. 手臂 amdfarm

5. 猪 pigfasfefa6. 书本 klsdjihfbookliu

7. 六 sixfdfdgg8. 茶 hjsadhjtea

9. 学校 schdfsaschool10. 船 boadfboatbaa


1. good afternoona. good morning .

2. what’s your nameb. i’m mike.

3. helloc. fine , thank you .

4. good byed. great.

5. let’s go to schoole. nice to meet you, too.

6. good morningf. my name is john.

7. how are youg. see you.

8. nice to meet youh. good afternoon .

9. let’s painti. hi.

10. who are youj. ok.

六. 情景反应。根据下面的描述,选出最合适的一项。(30)

)1. 有一天,你在街上遇到了一位很久没有见的同学,你该如何问候?

a. who are you? b. how are you? c. here you are.

) 2. 你第一次认识 mike ,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:

a. me too. b. nice to meet you . c. good afternoon.

) 3. john说:“ i like yellow .”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:

a.great! b. my name is bailing . c. me too.

) 4 . 老师请你拍手,你应该这样说:

a.clap your handsb. clap my hands.

c. snap your fingers.

) 5. sarah 是班长,老师走进教室准备上课,她应该这样说:

a.sit down. b. good morning . c. stand up.

) 6. mike 想吃汉堡,你拿给他时说:

a.can i h**e a hamburger ? b. here you are .

) 7 .向妈妈表示要喝果汁时说:

a.h**e some juice, please ? b. can i h**e some juice ?

) 8. 别人请你吃东西,你不想吃了说:

a.yes , thank youb. no, thank you .

) 9. 想看别人的东西时说:

a.can i h**e a look ? b. how old are you ?

) 10. 你想知道对方的年龄可以问:

a.how are youb. how old are you ?

) 11. 别人向你道谢,你应该说:

a.thank youb. you are welcome .

) 12. 要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说:

a.h**e some milkb. i like milk .


一 a选择与字词相符的单词,并抄写在括号内。1 苹果2 鼻子3 风筝appleaplenosenvoekitekate4 钢笔5 狗penpandogdig b乐乐吧标牌上的英文单词都多写了几个字母,请你吧正确的单词圈出来1 猪2 眼睛3 大米pigigeyeyericese4 手5 胳膊hanha...


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