
发布 2022-11-17 00:54:28 阅读 4357




)1. a. girl b. goose c. lion

)2. a. apple b. grapes c. kite

)3. a. duck b. student c. fish

)4. a. bus b. bike c. bird

)5. a. fourteen b. fifteen c. banana

)6. a. brother b. watermelon c. sister

)7. a. pen b. coffee c. bag

)8. a. hamburger b. hot dog c. orange

)9. a. peach b. pear c. ice cream

)10. a. too c. two

二、看图,把下列各种水果的序号填在( )内。(10分)

a. pear b. apple c. grapes d. bananas e. peach


)1. -how are you?

a.how are you? b. i’m fine, thank you. c. i am six.

)2. –how many pens do you h**e?

a.i h**e four b. i can see four. c. yes, i am.

)3. –where are you from?

a.how are you? well, thank you. c. i’m from china.

)4. –who’s that man?

a.he’s my father. my mother. c. i am a girl.

)5. –i’m sorry!

a.i’m sorry! b. it’s ok! c. no.



) i h**e an orange,please?

you are. do.


) is my ruler?

a. it’s on the desk. h**e an ruler. don’t like my ruler.



a.where are you from? b. my name’s bailing.

c. i’m from america.


a.where are you from? b. happy women’s day!

c. i’m from america.


a.she’s my sister. b. he’s my brother.

c. she’s my mother.

)4. 我有11支蜡笔。

a.i can see fifteen crayons. b. i can h**e eleven pencils.

c. i h**e eleven crayons.


like don’t like apple.

like apple.


)1、touch the ground. a.交叉你的脚。

)2、i like blueb.让我们说话。

)3、cross your legsc.摸摸地板。

)4、look at med.我喜欢蓝色。

)5、let’s talke.看着我。

六、看图选出与图相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在( )内。(12分)

a. the car is on the box.

b. look, the bus is in my bag.

c. -mom, where is my ball? -look, it's under the chair.

d. -excuse me, amy. can i use your pencil? -no problem.


a栏b栏。 ) this boya. it’s on the desk.

) many kites can you see? b. he’s my brother.

) to meet youc. thank you!

) are you fromd. nice to meet you,too.

) women’s daye. i can see 18.

( )6. good afternoonf. i am from china.

) 7. i am sorryg. i h**e 13.

) 8. how many pens do you h**e? h. it’s ok!

) 9. h**e some tea, pleasei. good afternoon.

) 10. where is my bookj. thank like tea.



a. who are you? b. how are you? c. here you are.


a. me too. b. nice to meet you. c. good afternoon.

)3、john说:“i like yellow.”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:

a. great! b. my name’s bai ling. c. me too.


a. clap your hands. b. clap my hands. c. snap your fingers.

( )5. 当你想提醒别人注意时, 你应说,__

a. watch out! b. good idea.

) 6. “三八妇女节”时, 你对妈妈应该说,__

halloween. b. happy women’s day. new year!

) 7. 你在走路时,发现了一只大蚂蚁,你感叹到___

a. what a big egg! b. what a big ant! a big fish!

a. welcome! b. goodbye. are you from?

) 9 . 你上课迟到了,你应该说,__

a. i am sorry. b. it is ok! in.


三年级综合期中测试卷。姓名班级。一 填空。1 材料可以分为 和 两类。塑料是一种用途广泛的 材料。2 直接来自大自然的材料,我们称为 加工处理来自大自然的材料,材料的性质特点发生了改变,这样的材料我们称为 3 物体振动产生 当物体停止振动时 就停止了。4 声音能在 中传播。5 在月球上没有空气,宇航...


姓名 一 选择,请将正确的答案号填入括号中 12分 元5分用小数表示为 a 1.5元 b 1.50元 c 1.05元。2 两个数相乘,积比1000大一些,比2000少得多,可能是 a 4045 b 2448 c 3132 3 用阴影部分表示下面的分数,不正确的是 4 套圈比赛每人套20个圈,男队4个...


班级姓名得分 一 填空题。34,用除数十位上的3乘212,得到的是636个 2 要使积不变,当一个因数扩大若干倍时,另一个因数要 若干倍。3 求近似数。4 里能填几?17的余数最大能是 要使商是3位数,除数最大应是 要使商是两位数,除数最小应填 46商是 位数,4662 63商是 位数。8 一个工厂...