
发布 2022-11-15 21:42:28 阅读 5165

一。 look and match. 请将**和对应单词连线。(5分)

a. teacher b. family c. farmer d. doctor e. brother

二。 look and choose. 为**选择正确的单词。(5分)

( )1. a. sister b. schoolbag

) 2. a. pencil b. pen

) 3a. mouth b. eye

) 4. a. birthday b. jenny

) 5. a. down b. desk

三。 看看哪个句子与**意思相符。(10分)

)1. a. it’s a bird. b. it’s a ruler.

) this is a door. b. this is a pencil.

)3. a. it’s a schoolbag. b. it’s cat.

)4. a. this is my mouth. b. that’s a hat.

)5. a. i’m a doctor. b. i’m ten.


1. this is a yellow book. is a blue pencil.

3. this is a black chair. is a green kite. 5. it’s a red chair



) 1. what’s your name? a. i’m ten.

) 2. what colour do you like? b. it’s a book.

) 3. how old are you? c. i’m fine, thank you.

) 4. what’s thatd. i like red.

) 5. how are you? e. my name is jenny.

八。 根据句意,选择正确的选型填空。(10分)

a. nice b. she’s d. count e. and

1. _to meet you. 2. _my sister.

3. it’s red __yellow. 4. i __a head.

5. let’s __one,two, three…..



a. how old are you? are you?


a. what colour is the pen? b. what colour is the pencil?

)3. 这是你的教室。

a. this is your classroom. b. this is my classroom.

) 4.我有一双手。

a. i h**e two heads. b. i h**e two hands.

)5.他是个医生。a. he’s a doctor. b. she’s a nurse.


1. what colour is it? it’s red. 2. i h**e a pen.

3. this is our new classroom. 4. my grandpa is a farmer.

5. hi, mr wood. nice to meet you.

十一。 read and choose. 读对话,选择正确的句子填空,将选项填在横线上。(10分)

liming: mum, this is mr wood.

mum: _1___

mr wood: nice to meet you.

liming: this is our new classroom.

mum: _2___

liming: this is my desk.__3___

mum: _4___

liming: it’s a pencil-case.

mum: what’s that? liming:__5___

a. nice to meet you. b.

it’s a book. c. what’s this?

d. this is my chair. e.

oh, it’s nice!


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