
发布 2022-11-12 16:14:28 阅读 5102


ybf itn



) 1. balloons

) 2. hamburger

) 3. rabbit

) 4. bear

) 5. eraser

三、 选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。(10分)

( )1、a、 banana b、 pear c 、 short

( )2、a、 pencil b 、car c 、 ruler

( )3、a、 pencil b、 book c、 school

( )4、a、 dog b、 pig c、 play

( )5、a、 red b、 one c、 green

( )6、a、 girl b、 teacher c 、 bus

( )7、a、 class b、 school c、 pen

( )8、a、 chinese b、 english c 、class

( )9、a、 mother b、 father c、 teacher

( )10、a 、twelve b 、five c 、box

四、 根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。 (16分)

( )1. 当别人问你来自**后, 应回答说。

a. you’re welcome. b. i’m from america. .my name is li mei.

( )2. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: _

a. it’s here. b. here you are. c. here it is.

( )3. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: _

a. where is my taxi? b. where is my car? c. this is my car.

)4.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: _

a.good morning. b.how are you? c.happy teachers' day!

)5.当你把你爸爸介绍给miss wu时,你应说: _

a. this is miss wu. b.miss wu, this is my dad. c.he is my dad.

)6. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:__

a. thank you. b. not at all. c. you're welcome!


a. how old are you? b. goodbye. c. nice to meet you!

)8. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:__

a. how are you? b. how old are you? c. very well, thanks.

五、单项选择(每小题2分,共14 分)

1is that woman---she is my english teacher ,miss chen .

a where b who c what

2、--how many __can you seenineteen.

a kite b kites c cat

3、i __a new friend .her name is alice .

a amb h**e c has

4、--who is that girlis my sister .

a ib hec she

5are you fromi’m from america .

a where b who c how many

6、--happy women’s day ! miss white

a. happy women’s day b thank you c good idea

7i h**e an ice cream ?

a. are b. canc. is


) 1. how old are you? a. my name is chen jie.

)2. do you like i do .

) 3. what's your name? c. i'm 9.

) 4. happy birthday! d. thank you.

( )5. what’s thate. i h**e thirteen pencils

( )6 . how are youf. i’m from china.

( )7. where are you fromg. it’s a pen.

( )8. can i h**e some ice-creamh. i’m fine.

( )9. how many pencils do you h**e ? i. sure.

( )10. where is the ballj、it’s under the chair.


) you're welcome.

) ok. here you are.

) h**e some juice!

) thank you.

八、阅读短文,判断对错。对的写t ,错的写f。(每小题2分,共20分)

atom and john are good friends. tom is twelve years old. john is thirteen years old.

they are good students. they like to eat white is their english likes them very much.

( )1, tom and john are good friends.

( )2. tom is twelve years old.

( )3. john is twelve years old.

( )likes to eat hamburgers.

( )doesn’t like to eat hamburgers.

bhi, i’m huahua. i can play football. i can run fast, but i can’t swim.

i can read, but i can’t write well. i can’t use a knife and fork. it’s hard for me.

i use chopsticks. i like chinese fast food.

i h**e got a toy train and a football. i’ve got some pencils, pens and books.

i’m going to play football in the park this weekend. i like playing football. my father is a doctor.

i’m going to be a doctor, too.


新年华教育中心小学。三 四年级英语测试卷 二 姓名班级得分。一 写出下列大写字母对应的小写字母及小写字母对应的大写字母 20分 f s r p u d t q y k 二 将下列字母按照字母表顺序排序 10分 l q u c g j m z x h 三 选择正确的单词序号填入括号内 每小题2分,共2...


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