
发布 2022-11-12 16:10:28 阅读 7320




1、 作自我介绍时,你可以说2、教师节时,你应当对老师说( )

3、 跟朋友打招呼,你可以说4、欢迎新同学,你可以说( )

a. hi,john. b. i’m dongdong.

c. welcome! d. happy teachers’ day!

1、 询问朋友的身体状况时,你可以说。

2、喜欢橘色的尺子时,你可以说( )

3、想让对方把小丑的鼻子涂成蓝色时,你可以说( )

4、表示自己和对方拥有同样的物品时,你可以说( )

5、下午遇到老师时,你可以说( )

a. good afternoon. b. how are you? c. me too.

d. i like the orange ruler. e. colour the nose blue.

1、 想看看别人的东西时,你可以说2、给别人东西时,你可以说( )

3、 喜欢某样东西时,你可以说4、受到别人称赞时,你应该回答( )

a. here you are. b. may i h**e a look?

c. thank you. d. i like it.

1. 让客人喝茶,你可以说2、想看对方的热狗,你可以说( )

3、 对方向你表示感谢时,你可以回答4、想吃点薯条,你可以对主人说( )

a. you’re welcome. b. can i h**e some french fries?

c. h**e some tea. d. show me your hot dog.

1、 想知道蛋糕上有多少支蜡烛,你可以问( )2、想知道新同学的年龄,你可以问( )

3、 朋友过生日,你应该对他说4、想告诉同桌你九岁了,你可以说( )

a. happy birthday? b. how old are you?

c. i’m nined. how many candles?

1、 想和邻居姐姐一起上学时,你可以说( )

a. look at me! b. let’s play! c. let’s go to school!

2、别人夸你的衣服漂亮时,你应该回答( )

a. no, no. b. of course. c. thank you.

3、假如你是班长,老师走进教室准备上课时,你应该说( )

a. sit down, please! b. stand upc. hello!

4、万圣节前夕,你可以对朋友说( )

a. happy teachers’ day! b. happy new year! c. happy halloween!


)1. i___bai ling. a. are b. is c. am

)2. say___name. a. your b. you c. yours

)3. my name __john. a. am b. is c. are

)4. see youa. bye. b. hi. c. i see.

)5. who __you? a. is b. are c. am

)6. happy __day! a. teacher’s b. teachers’ c. teachers

)7. look __mea. at b. to c. in

)8. this is mya. bags b. bag c. boy

)9. _is your bag? here it is! a. what b. where c. how

)10. may i h**e a looka. i h**e a bear. b. sure, here you are.

)11. look at my cata. oh, it’s lovely. b. here you are.

)12. here you area. that’s ok. b. thank you.

)13. follow me, pleasea. welcome.

b. ok, )14. i h**e a ducka.

oh, really? b. here you are.

) birthday___you. a. to b. for c. in

) is __youa. to b. for c. on

) manya. cake b. plane c. dolls

)18. i’m __chinaa. from b. for c. come


) 1、a. nose b. ear c. book2、a. bag b. pen c. face

)3、 b. mike c. john4、 b. smell c. mouth


1、let’s2、good afternoon, _white.

3.、_too. 4、 i __green.

a. miss b. paint c. like d. me

1、let’s __the pencil-case. 2、i’m __thanks.

3、my flag is __and___4、nice to __you.

a. meet b. fine c. orange d. paint

1、hello! my __is amy. 2、i h**e a __bag.

3、i __a blue pen, too. 4、look! this is my5、i___it.

a. crayon b. name c. red d. like e. h**e


) are youa. ok.

) morning. b. me too.

)3. nice to meet you. c. fine, thank you.

) 4. let’s go to school. d. good morning.

) like browne. nice to meet you.


新年华教育中心小学。三 四年级英语测试卷 二 姓名班级得分。一 写出下列大写字母对应的小写字母及小写字母对应的大写字母 20分 f s r p u d t q y k 二 将下列字母按照字母表顺序排序 10分 l q u c g j m z x h 三 选择正确的单词序号填入括号内 每小题2分,共2...


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