
发布 2022-11-12 07:24:28 阅读 8209

pep小学英语三年级下册twelcome bal功能。

t: good morning, boys and good morning, miss white.

t: class, we h**e a new friend i’mamy. i’m from .s: 2welcome bal功能。


t: good a: good td, nu, too.

t: where are you from?s2: i’m from .s: 功能。


s1: who’s that woman?s2:

she’: who’s that man?s2:

he’s my hi, mom! td, nutamily功能。

提建议(let’sdosth.),对对方建议表示赞同(great),表示感受(great, coolally, how funny)参考句型。

s1:bai ling. let’s watch great!

s1: who’s this boy?s2: my b: cool!

s1: who’s this girl?s2:

oh! she’: really?

s2: look! wow, how funny!

thow many?功能。


2.表示感受(it’s beautiful.)3.对对方建议表示赞同(ok)4.问数目/数量参考句型。

s1: look, amy! i h**e a new2: oh, it’s beautiful!s1: let’s fly it!s2: ok!

s1: how maan you see?s2: 1,2, 3…i can see no, 11. the blaa oh!thow many?功能。

1.对亲密朋友的建议(祈使句)2.表示自己的看法(that’s right.)

参考句型。s1: hlook at my new crayons!

s2: how many crayons do you h**e?s1:

guess!s2: twelve?

s1:and see!

s2: 1, 2, 3…16! you h**e 16 crayons!s1: that’s right!tdo you like pears?功能。

询问喜好(do you like peaches?what about pears?)参考句型。

s1: do you like peaches?s2: yes, i do.

s1: do you like oranges?s2: no, i don’ what about pears?s2: oh, i lvery much.

s1: let’s h**aches and ok.

tdo you like pears?功能。

1.请客人吃东西。2.请求(can i do sth?)参考句型t: h**uits.

s: thank you, miss do you like banana?s:

i don’t like can i h**e an apple, please?t: certainly!

t: h**twuler?功能。

1.问地点(where与方位介词)参考句型s: mom, war?m: on your desk?s: no!m: ibox?s: no!

m: look! it’s oh, yeah! thatopic 10wuler?功能。


s1: excuse me, amy. can i use your pencil?s2: no wl?

s2: look, it’under your here you are!s2: thank you!ta功能。


m:ldren. look at the wow! it’s so big!

m: look! it has a long nose and it has small eyes and big oh, it’s so funny!topic 12a功能。


c1: look at the giraffe.

c2: oh, it’s so look at the deer.

c2: it’: you see.

the giraall. the d2: dad, you’re tall.

i’: you’re right.(作者:



情景选择。1.你上学迟到了,应该说 morning.sorry.2.上课了,老师要求学生们看黑板,她会说 at the door,please.at me,please.at the blackboard,please.3.天气很热,你请同学打开窗户,可以说 open the door.open t...


情景选择。1.你上学迟到了,应该说 morning.sorry.2.上课了,老师要求学生们看黑板,她会说 at the door,please.at me,please.at the blackboard,please.3.天气很热,你请同学打开窗户,能够说 open the door.open t...


情景选择。1.你上学迟到了,应该说 sorry.2.上课了,老师要求学生们看黑板,她会说 at the door,at me,at the blackboard,please.3.天气很热,你请同学打开窗户,可以说 open the open the open the book.4.今天你穿了新短裙...