
发布 2022-11-06 15:16:28 阅读 6532








)1、--it's __today. can i wear my skirt?

sure, here you are.

a. snowy b. cold c. hot d. cool

it’s rainy today.

a. what time is itb. is it rainy today?

c. what’s the weather like? d. what the weather like?

)3、oh! it's snowy

a. put on your sunglasses b. put on your boots

c. put on your on to your hat.

)4、--can i wear my __today?

no, you can’t. it’s cold.

a. sweater b. skirt c. coat d. jacket



today is monday. it’s sunny and hot. it’s my birthday.

at six forty, i get up. i put on my pink shirt and green skirt. they are new.

then i wear my green socks and white shoes. i eat noodles with an egg for breakfast. i go to school at seven twenty.

we h**e four classes in the morning, two classes in the afternoon. at four o’clock, school is over. my english teacher and my classmates give me a birthday party in the classroom.

we h**e a big birthday cake with nine candles.

)1、today is monday. we h**e seven classes in a day.

)2、the weather is sunny and hot.

)3、i get up at 6:40. i go to school at 7:30.

)4、i wear pink shirt, green skirt, green socks and white shoes.

)5、today is my birthday. i’m ten years old.

☆家中听写签名作业, 请在本卷附上听写及订正的书面内容。

warm cold cool hot weather today sunny pants

温暖的寒冷的凉快的热的天气今天晴天的长裤 socks shoes whose where these those this that rainy 袜子鞋子谁的**这些那些这个那个下雨的 snowy下雪的 windy有风的 cloudy 多云的。

句子:1. it’s warm today .let’s play football.



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