
发布 2022-11-04 18:03:28 阅读 8887






1. a. tuesday b. thursday c. sunday

2. a. teab. teachc. teacher

3. a. worker b. writerc. write

4. a. door b. doctorc. dinner

5. a. helps b. makesc. takes

6. a. thank b. thinkc. sick

7. a. library b. storyc. stories

8. a. dob. doesc. goes

9. a. about b. aroundc. afraid

10. a. body b.


11. a.18b.20c.38

12. a. a birdb. two birds. are two birds.

13. a. no. it’s just right. b. yes, it isc. it’s hard.

14. a. they both like drinking. b. they both like drawing.

c. they both like driving.

15. a. it's cuteb. it's fatc. it's cute and fat.


16. how is nancy's bedroom?

a. it’s small and clean. b. it’s big and clean. c. it's big but not clean.

17. what does nancy like doing?

a. she likes drawing. b. she likes reading. c. both a and b.

18. where is the desk?

a. it's beside the piano. b. it's behind the computer.

c. it's between the piano and the computer.

19. can nancy play the piano well?

a. yes, she can. b. no, she can’t. c. i h**e no idea.

20. how is nancy's pictures?

a. they are nice. b. they are not good. c. it’s not mentioned(提及).



21there any juice in the fridge?

a. are b. isc. isn’t

) 22. my mother is ashe likesstories.

a. writer, write writing c. writer, writes

) 23. you __some oranges, and he __one.

h**e; ) 24rooms?

there are twelve

a. how old b. how muchc. how many

) 25. this soup is justi can h**e it..

a. hotb. coldc. right

) 26. -what do you like doing?

i like __basketball. i can __very well.

a. playing, play b. play, playing c. playing, playing

) 27. _is the third day of a week.

a. tuesdayb wednesday

) 28. can the boys make a plane ? yes

canb. they canc. they do

) 29. welike ice creams.

a. toob. bothc. either

) 30. -what __your sister h**e?

she __a coat.

a. are;h**eb. does;hasc. do;h**e


look at alice's bedroom. _31___can you see __32___the room? i can see a desk, a chair and a bed in the room.

there __33___a photo on the desk. it’s __34___family photo. how beautiful!

there __35___three crayons on the books. there is a storybook __36___the pencil box. _37___name is monkey king.

alice __38___it very much.

)31. a. what b. where c. which

)32. a. beside b. onc. in

)33. a. isb. arec. be

)34. a. she b. herc. she's

)35. a. are b.

)36. a. near b. inc. between

)37. a. it's b. its c. its'

)38. a. like b. likes c. liking



kevin is a doctor. he likes playing football and he can play very likes to help people, so he has many friends. he usually plays football with his friends on sunday afternoons.

today is his birthday. there is a party in his house. kevin's friends are all in the living room.

they are watching a football match on tv. kevin is in the kitchen now. he is cooking delicious(美味的)food for his friends.

he likes cooking and he is good at it.


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