
发布 2022-11-04 17:53:28 阅读 5513





) is your f**ourite friut?

a . b. c.

) does she do well in?

a. b. c.

) kind of animals climbs the tree?

a. b. c.

) he got a laptop?

a. b. c.

) birthday present is he going to get?

a. b. c.




) 6 .is the man taotao's father?

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn'tc. we don't know.


) are the tomatoes?

a. on the table. b. in the fridge. c. in the box.


) are they?

a. onions. b. carrots. c. onions and carrots.


) many people are there in tony's family?

a. sixb. fivec. four.


) present does tony get on his birthday?

a. a computer. b. a computer gamec. a cd.



) likes

and fruit and hamburgers

and milk

) should (应该every day.

healthy food healthy food and play sports sports


) dong’s friend invites wangdong to go to

zoo )14 .wang dong hasto do.

lot of homework housework housework

( )dong’s faovrite animal is

a. a tiger panda c. a monkey


) goes to school his brother.

a. in

) h**e a break atin the morning.

past nine past ten

)18doesn’t like school lunch.

brother sister

) seven o’clock in the evening.

tv their homework dinner

) brotherat half past nine at night.

computer games books to bed

第二部分:英语知识运用 (70分)

一.选择填空 (从三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并把答案番号填入在题前括号内。每小题1分,共15分)

)21.is she __english student?

a. anb. ac. the

)22name is tony.

a. my friend b. his friend’s c. his friend

)23---can tony swim

a.. yes, he can’t. b. no, she can’t. c. no, he can’t.

)24 --which class are you in?--i am in

a. class one b. class 1 c. class one

)25.--would you like to go to the cinema with me on sunday?

a. that’s right. b. that’s all right. c. yes, i’d love to

)26students are there in the classroom?


a. how many b. how much c. how old

)27. -she __at six every day? -no, she doesn’t.

a. does, get up b. does, gets up c. is, get up

)28. -are the workers in the factory

a. yes, we are. b. yes, they are. c. yes, they’re

)29. -are there __bananas in the fridge?

yesa. some, there are, b. any, they are, c.

any, there are, )30. -what day is it today? -it’s

a. monday b. january 14th c. a nice day

)31. ben likes swimming very much, but he __running.

a. doesn’t like b. not like c. isn’t like

) 32she got any brothers?

no, she

hasn't 't; h**e 't; has

) your mother good atyes , she is.

the piano the piano

)34books are there in your schoolbag?

old many

) mother's brother

a bike a a bike


时间45分钟总分100分。一 选择题 每题1分,共30分 1 进入青春期后,有的同学愿意与异性接近,甚至对异性产生朦胧的依恋,这种现象属于 a 正常的性意识萌动b 不正常的非分想法。c 特别丢人的现象d 不务正业,误入歧途。2 女大十八变,越变越好看 与这种变化直接相关的器官是。a 雌性激素 b 子...


天津市四十一中学七年级数学第一学期期末模拟试卷。班级姓名得分。一 选择题。8小题,共16分 1.如果有理数满足,则下列说法正确的是 a b c d 2.若式子5x 7与4x 9的值为相反数,则x的值等于 a 2b 16cd 3.下列变形中 由方程 2去分母,得x 12 10 由方程x 两边同除以,得...


朱店中学初一期末复习题。一 选择题 每小题3分,共30分 1 如果两个数的和为负数,那么这两个数 a 同为负数 b 同为正数。c 一正一负 d 以上答案均不对。2 若,则下列各式正确的是 a b c d 3 将数5.12亿用科学记数法表示为 a 0.512 109 b 5.12 108 c 51.2...