
发布 2022-10-01 07:36:28 阅读 1629








rom bios中的beep子程序能根据bl中给出的时间计数值控制8254定时器,产生持续声音。通过对beep的修改可以使其产生任一频率的声音。用汇编语言编写的程序gensound,能使pc机发出指定频率和指定延迟时间的声音,它是一个很好的通用发声程序。


运行时,按a键演奏乐曲”two tigers”,按b键演奏乐曲”happy birthday”,按c键演奏乐曲”snail and

oriole”,按p键自行弹奏**,按q键退出。以上按键必须使用大写字母,否则显示出错信息。源程序(如下:datasegment para 'data'

info1 db 0dh,0ahinfo2 db 0dh,0ahwelcome you to come hereinfo3 db 0dh,0ahthis is a music program

info4 db 0dh,0ahinfo5 db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,'please select!$'

info6db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,'input error!please input again !$info7db 0dh,0ah

info9db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,'if you want to play piano,please pushp$'muslistdb 0dh,0ah,'atwo tigers'

db 0dh,0ah,'bhappy birthday'db 0dh,0ah,'csnail and oriole'db 0dh,0ah,'qexit'db 0dh,0ah,'$

mus_freg1dw 2 dup(262,294,330,262);为演奏的乐曲定义一个频率表dw 2 dup(330,349,392)dw 2 dup(392,440,392,349,330,262)dw 2 dup(294,196,262),0ffffh

mus_time1dw 10 dup(25000),50000,25000,25000,50000 ;为演奏的乐曲定义一个节拍时间表dw 2 dup(12000,12000,12000,12000,25000,25000)dw 2 dup(25000,25000,50000)mus_freg2dw 262,262,294,262,349dw 330,262,262,294,262dw 392,349,262,262,523dw 440,349,262,262,466dw 466,440,262,392,349,-1mus_time2dw 500,500,1000,1000,1000

dw 1000,1000,500,500,1000,1000dw 1000,1000,1000,500,500,1000dw 1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,500dw 500,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000

mus_freg3 dw 392,396,392,395,330,392,262,440,392,395dw 392,395,392,330,294,262,330,294,297,330dw 392,395,392,330,335,294,262,265,294,330dw 262,265,220,196,220,196,392,395,392,395

dw 330,392,262,440,292,392,395,392,395,330dw 294,262,330,294,294,330,392,395,330,335dw 294,262,265,294,330,262,265,220,196,220dw 196,392,395,392,395,330,294,262,440,392dw 395,440,262,294,262,294,330,294,262,-1mus_time3 dw 1 dup(25,50,25,50,25,25,50,50,100,25)dw 1 dup(50,25,50,25,25,50,50,100,75,25)dw 1 dup(50,25,25,50,25,25,50,50,75,25)dw 1 dup(50,25,25,50,50,100,25,50,25,50)dw 1 dup(25,25,50,50,100,25,50,25,50,25)dw 1 dup(25,50,50,100,75,25,50,50,50,25)dw 1 dup(25,50,50,75,25,50,25,25,50,50)dw 1 dup(100,25,50,25,50,25,25,50,50,50)dw 1 dup(25,25,50,50,50,50,100,100,200)msg db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,'[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]'db 0dh,0ah,' q w e r t y u ]'

db 0dh,0ahdb 0dh,0ah,'9: exit'

db 0dh,0ah

***音调***后面用到-1判断**播是否放完sound_0 dw -1

sound_11 dw 441,-1sound_12 dw 495,-1sound_13 dw 556,-1sound_14 dw 589,-1sound_15 dw 661,-1sound_16 dw 742,-1sound_17 dw 833,-1sound_1 dw 882,-1sound_2 dw 990,-1sound_3 dw 1112,-1sound_4 dw 1178,-1sound_5 dw 1322,-1sound_6 dw 1484,-1sound_7 dw 1655,-1time dw 25


stacksegment para stack 'stack'db 300 dup ('stack')stackends


assume ds:data,ss:stack,cs:codemainproc farmov ax,datamov ds,axmov ah, 3mov al,4int 10h

mov ah,09hmov bh,6mov bl,4int 10h

mov ah,0bhmov bh,09hmov bl,00int 10h;**定义一个宏***showmacro blea dx,bmov ah,9int 21hendm

show info1show info2show info3show info4show info5show info9show muslistinput:mov ah,01hint 21hcmp al,'q'jz retucmp al,'p'jz retu2cmp al,'a'jnz b0

call music1jmp exit1b0:cmp al,'b'jnz c0

call music2jmp exit1c0:cmp al,'c'jnz exit

call music3exit1:show info7jmp inputexit:

call clearshow info6show info7show info5show muslistshow info9

jmp input

retu:mov ah,4chint 21hmain endpretu2:

mov ax,datamov ds,ax


onesound macro soundis,jumpis,letteriscmp al,letterisjnz jumpislea si,soundislea bp,ds:timecall musicjmp inpuendmshow msg

inpu: mov ah,01hint 21hcmp al,'9'jnz go

mov ah,4chint 21h

go: onesound sound_11,a1,'q'a1: onesound sound_12,b1,'w'b1:

onesound sound_13,c1,'e'c1: onesound sound_14,d1,'r'd1: onesound sound_15,e1,'t'

e1: onesound sound_16,f1,'y'f1: onesound sound_17,g1,'u'g1:

onesound sound_1,h1,'1'h1: onesound sound_2,i1,'2'i1: onesound sound_3,j1,'3'j1:

onesound sound_4,k1,'4'k1: onesound sound_5,l1,'5'l1: onesound sound_6,m1,'6'm1:

onesound sound_7,n1,'7'n1: onesound sound_0,o1,alo1: jmp inpu

发声gensound1 proc nearpush axpush bxpush cxpush dxpush di

mov al,0b6hout 43h,almov dx,12hmov ax,348chdiv di

out 42h,almov al,ahout 42h,alin al,61hmov ah,alor al,3out 61h,al

wait2: mov cx,3314call waitf

delay1: dec bxjnz wait2mov al,ahout 61h,alpop dipop dxpop cxpop bxpop ax

retgensound1 endp

waitf proc nearpush axwaitf1:in al,61hand al,10hcmp al,ahje waitf1mov ah,alloop waitf1pop axret

waitf endp

music proc near

push dssub ax,axpush ax

freg: mov di,[si]cmp di,-1je end_musmov bx,ds:[bp]call gensound1add si,2add bp,2end_mus:ret

music endp

music1proc nearpush dssub ax,axpush ax

lea si,mus_freg1lea bp,ds:mus_time1freg1:mov di,[si]cmp di,-1

je end_mus1mov dx,ds:[bp]mov bx,2600

call gensoundadd si,2add bp,2jmp freg1end_mus1:retmusic1endp

gensound proc nearpush axpush bxpush cxpush dxpush di

mov al,0b6hout 43h,almov dx,12h

mov ax,533h*896div di

out 42h,almov al,ahout 42h,alin al,61hmov ah,alor al,3out 61h,alwait1:mov cx,8ff0hdelay2:loop delay2dec bxjnz wait1mov al,ahout 61h,alpop dipop dxpop cxpop bxpop axretgensound endp

music2proc nearpush dssub ax,axpush ax

lea si,mus_freg2lea bp,ds:mus_time2freg2:mov di,[si]cmp di,-1

je end_mus2mov dx,ds:[bp]mov bx,3500

call gensoundadd si,2add bp,2jmp freg1end_mus2:retmusic2endp

music3proc nearpush dssub ax,axpush ax

lea si,mus_freg3lea bp,ds:mus_time3freg3:mov di,[si]cmp di,-1

je end_mus3mov dx,ds:[bp]mov bx,2000

call gensoundadd si,2add bp,2jmp freg1end_mus3:ret

music3endpclear proc nearpush axpush bxpush cxpush dxmovah,6mov al,0mov ch,0mov cl,0mov dh,24mov dl,79mov bh,7int 10hpop dxpop cxpop bxpop axretclear endp


end main











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汇编语言课程设计 报告模版

华北科技学院。课程设计说明书。汇编语言程序设计课程设计。班级 网络b113 姓名 师向荣 学号201107024314 设计题目 在屏幕上弹出或隐去系统时间 设计时间 2013 12 2 至 2013 12 12 指导教师顾涛。评语。评阅成绩评阅教师。1.课程设计的目的 任务。使学生综合使用所学过的...


微机原理实践 课程设计报告。题目 汇编语言课程设计。专业 网络工程 班级 班 学号 姓名 指导教师 完成日期 2013年 1 月 6 日。一 课程设计目的。1 加深对汇编语言理论和基本知识的理解,掌握dos和bios系统功能调用,掌握运用汇编语言设计具有一定功能的软件的基本方法。2 通过编写一定规模...