
发布 2022-09-10 08:01:28 阅读 5681


1. 【2013·河北省南宫中学月考】


一 speaking.

一hdlo.gerry.it’s me john here.61

一well.i’m terribly sorry.bat i’m not feeling very well.

一is that all? 62

一no.i’m sony.i was sick all night.i think it must be the fish i ate last night.

一well.i think you should h**e at least phoned kate and told her you weren’t coming to the meeting.

---63 i’m sorry about that.anyway,i think i’ll be able to get in to work tomorrow.

一64一i won’t.thanks for calling.

一65a.why didn’t you phone?

b.ok.take care and don’t eat any more fish.

c.why aren’t you here at the meeting?

d.that’s all right.

e.we thought you might h**e had an accident or forgotten the day or something.

f.i’ll be glad tosee you again.

g.yes.i suppose i should h**e done so.

cegbd2 【2013·河北省南宫中学期中】


m: hi, would you like some help?

w: well, i’m looking for something i saw at a friend’s house a few days ago. 61 it’s a light metal shelf almost a yard long.

m: you are in the right department. 62 .

w: oh, that’s too bad. 63 .

m: yes. but i should tell you the price has gone up.

w: 64m: they were $12.

50, but new ones will be about three dollars more. 65 we should h**e them by then.

w: ok, i’ll be back. thanks.

a.but we don’t h**e them in stock now.

b.why do they cost so much?

c.are you going to be getting more?

d.he said he bought it here.

e.just my luck.

f.i’m terribly sorry for that.

g.come in next week.

3. 【2013·河北省辛集一中期中】


w: hi, john.

m: hi. lucy. 61

w: yes. i'm required to tell a story in english before the lesson begins.

m: oh, i see. 62

w: you're right. i need to practice on the stage before they all come.

m: 63

w: yes, here, in my pocket...oops, where is it?

m: don't worry, 64

w: .no, not in the bag. either. i'm afraid i left it at home.

m: 65

w: aha! it's just the key to the classroom! thank you so much.

a. glad to see you.

b. what's the story about?

c. what's that around your neck?

d. maybe you put it in your schoolbag,e. do you h**e the key to the classroom?

f. you're going to school rather early today.

g. so you want to get to the classroom earlier to make some preparation?

61-65 fgedc

4. 【2013·四川雅安中学下学期期中】


good morning, madam. can i help you?

well, could you show me that overcoat, the silver gray one in the middle?

certainly. this one? 61 . it must be very nice on you and it’s 100 percent wool.

ok, could i try it on?

sure. urn...it looks really good. look at it on you. how perfect it is!

maybe. 62

would you like to try this one on?

good. this one fits me better. how much does it cost?

we sell it at $ 195.

63 and i’d like that blue sweater on the right, too. how much is it?

we charge it for $ 260. 64

but that’s too expensive, i’m afraid.

how about this one? it’s much cheaper.

no, thanks. 65 ok, here is $ 200.

thanks, and here is your change. welcome to be here often.

ok. see you.

a. you h**e good eyesight.

b. it’s the cheapest one.

c. i don’t like it. its style looks out of date on me.

d. you’ve got excellent taste.

e. ok, i’ll take it.

f. it’s a real bargain.

g. but a little larger one seems better.

补全对话答案:61 62 63 64 65

dgefc5. 【2013·河北省保北12县第二学期期中联考】

补全对话 (每小题1分共5分)


w: hi, john.

m: hi. lucy. 71

w: yes. i'm required to tell a story in english before the lesson begins.

m: oh, i see. 72

w: you're right. i need to practice on the stage before they all come.

m: 73

w: yes, here, in my pocket...oops, where is it?

m: don't worry, 74

w: .no, not in the bag. either. i'm afraid i left it at home.

m: 75

w: aha! it's just the key to the classroom! thank you so much.

a. glad to see you.

b. what's the story about?

c. what's that around your neck?

d. maybe you put it in your schoolbag,e. do you h**e the key to the classroom?

f. you're going to school rather early today.


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