英语改错指导一 答案

发布 2022-09-07 09:26:28 阅读 4343



if you will study harder,you will pass the examination.


tom had finished the work and went home.



i’ll go to the zhengzhou airport tomorrow morning.

【评析】zhengzhou airport前不加冠词。英语中由“专有名词+普通名词”构成的专有名词前不用冠词。

the boys are playing the/a football now.

【评析】表示体育或活动的名词前不用冠词。如:play chess下棋,play basketball打篮球等。

mary will come back from japan by the plane.


如:by car乘车;by ship乘船;by bike骑自行车等。

she goes to the factory every day.


go to school上学;be in bed在睡觉,in prison坐牢等。

h**e you had the/a breakfast?



wang ming finished a novel in last month.

【评析】last year(week,month),next year(week,month),one day(morning,afternoon,evening,winter等),the other day等名词词组直接充当时间状语,前面用介词是多余的,故该句中的in应去掉。

the young man promised to marry with her.


because of mary was ill,she missed exam.


she got to home early yesterday evening.


i looked at but could see nothing.

【评析】具有“动词+介词”,“介词+名词+介词”,“动词+小品副词+介词"等形式(1ook at,take part in,get along with)的动词后没有宾语时,后面的介词是多余的。故去掉 at 。


she doesn't know that which one he will choose.


she sat near a fire and thinking.


though she was ill,but she still studied very hard.



i know the man who standing there.


he bought the computer(that)he had first asked for it.


the room is nice to live in it.


tom is a good person to with him .



the boss made him to do he**y work.


you had better not to go home.

【评析】在had better,would rather,would sooner,might as well后的不定式前用to是多余的。故去掉句中的to。


only then i realize that 1 was wrong.


when the teacher came in,the students reading.

【评析】此句中reading前缺少构成进行时的助动词were 。

english taught in many schools.


the little girl afraid of snacks.


he lived in london since 1986.



she was younger of the two sisters.

【评析】‘‘形容词比较级+of the two”前必须用定冠词the。

she is such honest girl that all of us like her.


this is so interesting book that i’ll buy it.



the students are preparing the examinations.

【评析】prepare的后面缺少介词for,意思是“为……做准备"。但可以说prepare the food.

he came on foot instead of car.

【评析】car前缺少介词by,by car意思是“乘车”。英语中instead of,except,from等后面可跟另一个介词词组充当介词宾语。 。


she is beautiful is known to all of us.


tell me you will do it or not.


1 went to his office.he came to mine.



shanghai is bigger than any city in china.

【评析】此句中than any后缺other.

yesterday he bought a watch but he lost.

【评析】英语中第二个并列分句中可以承前省略主语,但不能省略宾语。故lost后面必须加it,指代a watch 。

in order that caught the first bus,she got up very early.

【评析】此句中缺少充当主语的人称代词,故caught前必须加she。in order that引导目的状语从句。

the accident happened yesterday was very serious.



she was seen cross the street and go into a shop.



以往,短文改错题是高考英语全国试卷和绝大多数单独命题省市试卷的基本题型。由于其综合了对于高中生英语语法 阅读和写作能力的综合考察,所以一直以来都是学生们颇感棘手的难题。我们认为,经过合理的指导和科学的训练,学生们完全可以熟悉其核心的命题思路和解题技巧,从而取得理想的成绩。一 高考英语改错题的命题特点...


小牛組 1 去掉better。improve意为 改善,改进 已含better之意。2 each every。each后接表示单数意义的名词。every后接表示单数或复数意义的名词。此句every意为 每 3 active前加an。take part in中part前面如有形容词修饰时,则形容词前要...


2016年高考英语短文改错解题技巧。一 短文改错常见考点设置 1.考点设置之名词。命题特点 本来用复数,却用单数。改正方法 1 根据名词前的修饰限定成份 2 根据上下文的逻辑关系。1 shesaidthatsheandmyschoolmateallwishedmesuccess.schoolmate...