
发布 2022-08-19 19:10:28 阅读 2981

unit 1 习题精选(一)

一、词汇考查 (15分)


1. sclever; clean; fashionable

2. r tube filled with fast-burning material, which launches(发射) itself into the air

3. arooms; a set of rooms as a home

4. 1free time

5. psay in advance or know what will happen in the future

6. tdiagram with three straight sides

7. **ery old; in or of times long ago

8. iwrong; not allowed by law


1. kids (not go) to school in 100 years.

2. ifall) off the tree yesterday afternoon.

3. i'll h**e many differentkind) of goldfish.

4. i'll be a computer (programme).

5. there will bemany) people in the future.

6. i think there will be (little) pollution.

7. my life will be a lot (good) than it is now.


) 1. what do you think your life next month?

a. likeb. is likec. will liked. will be like

) 2.—will people live to be 150 years old?

a. yes, there will b. no, there won' t c. yes, they are d. yes, they will

) 3. do you h**e any problems in english?

a. learnb. to learnc. learningd. learned

) 4. i don't h**e a computer because i can't use it, our family doesn't h**e enough money.

a. butb. orc. besidesd. though

) 5. will you your class east lake, miss gao?

a. take; to b. make; atc. carry; to d. take; near

) 6. is there cleverer than you in the class?

a. somebody b. anybodyc. nobodyd. everybody

) 7. the way, do you h**e any film tickets?

a. inb. onc. byd. to

) 8. will there be any ***** money 100 years?

a. afterb. toc. laterd. in

) 9. we all enjoy football. it's very interesting.

a. to play b. playingc. playd. playing the

)10.they decided up bowling and make it a gentlemen's game again.

a.clean b.to clean c.to give d,cleaning


1.1. do you think there will be robots in people's homes? (作肯定回答)

2.there will be some ***** money in the future.(改为否定句)

there***** money in the future.

3.there will be less pollution in the neighborhood.(改为一般疑问句)

be less pollution in the neighborhood?

4.our country will win the next world cup? (对划线部分提问)

country will win the next world cup?

5.i think that he will win the game.(改为否定句)

i think he will win the game.



theresunshine tomorrow.


the bowling alley isn'tand a night out doesn't cost much.

3. **来来可能既困难,也会使人难堪的。

predicting the future can be difficultembarrassing.


kids will study at home


how will you spend your summer this year?


1.the radio says it (rain)tomorrow.

2. everything (begin)to grow in spring?

3.i think liu xiang (win)the game again in2008.

4.look! they (wash)their clothes.

5.there (be) more people here yesterday.

6.sorry,wait a moment,please.she (answer) a telephone call.

7.i (get) up very late yesterday morning.


a:will it help you learn english?

b:there will be robots in every home.

c:what will life be like in 50 years?

d:yes,it will.

e:what will a robot do?

f:it will help people do everything they want it to do.

请按顺序排列句子 (首句已给出)

1. c 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

七、完形填空 (10分)

a bee and a bird are neighbors,but they never talk with each other.one day,the bee goes to a 1 to drink. when it is drinking, the 2 water take it away. the bird sees the bee in danger.

it 3 _ a leaf from the tree and throws it into the water in _ 4 of the bee. the bee climbs on to the leaf and it is 5 now.


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