九年级1 4单元知识点

发布 2022-08-12 20:15:28 阅读 2684

九年级上册unit 1—unit 3 重点内容:

lesson 1:

1. break a record “打破记录”;keep a record “保持纪录”

2. win a gold medal “赢得一枚金牌”

3. at the olympics, athletes compete for medals.

compete for / to do sth. “为(做)某事而竞争”

4. at the opening event of the 1984 olympics, he won a gold medal in shooting.


lesson 2:

1. up and down “上上下下”

2. at the same time “同时”

3. set a world record “创造一项世界纪录”

4. the others “其他的(人或物)” 除去一部分之后,其余所有的)。

5. zhuang yong won the women’s 100-metre freestyle with a time of 54.64 seconds.

6. they can go as fast as they can.

as + adj./adv.原级 + as + sb. +can. “尽可能……的去做某事”

eg: you should speak english as much as you can.

7. it seemed / seems that… “好像…”

eg: it seems that he is right.

lesson 3:

1. put up “张贴;举起;搭建”

2. jump over “跳过”; good luck “祝你好运”

thank you, the same to you! “谢谢你,你也一样!”

3. write down “写下;记下” (代词必须放中间)

4. what / how about doing sth. “做某事怎么样”

5. without doing sth. “没有做某事”

6. try two more times. =try another two times.

数字 + more + 名词 = another + 数字 + 名词。

lesson 4:

1. try one’s best to do sth. =do one’s best to do sth. “尽某人最大的努力”

2. give up “放弃”; give up doing sth. “放弃做某事”

3. be proud of… “为……而骄傲/自豪”

be the pride of… “是……的骄傲/自豪”

4. believe sb. “相信某人(所说的话是真的)”;

believe in sb. “相信某人;信任某人”

lesson 5:

1. such + a / an + adj. +单数n. =so + adj. +a / an + 单数n.

eg: we had such an interesting day at school today!

we had so interesting a day at school today.

2. i won’t be able to sleep tonight.

be able to do sth. “能做某事”

3. someday = some day “(指将来的)某一天”

4. give up “放弃”; give away “赠送;免费送出某物”;

give in “屈服;让步;投降”; give out “用完;耗尽”

5. stop doing sth. “停止做某事”;stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”。

lesson 6:

1. victory—victories “胜利”; coach—coaches “教练”

2. catch up with “追上;赶上”

3. fu mingxia is one of china’s best divers.

one of +形容词最高级+名词复数,表示:“最……的……之一”

4. china has won many gold medals in diving since 1984. (现在完成时)

lesson 7:

1. fall off …=fall down from…“从……掉下来/跌落”

2. few, a few + 可数名词;little, a little + 不可数名词;

few, little 表示一个否定的含义;a few, a little 表示一个肯定的含义。

3. keep (on) doing sth. “继续做某事;重复做某事”

4. practice doing sth. “练习做某事”

5. think of “想出;想起”

lesson 9:

1. break a world record “打破一项世界纪录”

hold a world record “保持一项世界纪录”

set a world record “创造一项世界纪录”

2. i h**e an idea. i h**e a good idea.

3. take turns to do / doing sth. “轮流做某事”

eg:let’s take turns to clean the classroom.

= let’s take turns cleaning the classroom.

lesson 10:

1. be located in / on / at… “坐落于……;位于……”

2. the great wall of china is more than 7240 kilometres long.

more than = over “超出;多于”

3. in some places, the wall is 9.75 metres thick.

lesson 11:

1. why don’t we ask him? =why not ask him?

why don’t we/you do sth. =why not do sth. “何不做某事呢?”

2. do you know what the record is?(宾语从句要用陈述语序)

3. supper is more important than a record.(多音节词借助more变比较级)

4. on **erage “通常;一般来说”; on record “记载下来的”

5. the **erage blue whale is about four times as big as the biggest elephant.

数字 + times + as +adj./adv.原级 + as… “是……的几倍”

lesson 13:

1. help sb. do sth. /help sb. with sth. “帮助某人做某事”

2. make a list of… “列一份……的清单”

3. find out “找出;发现”

lesson 14:

1. try to do sth. “努力/尽力做某事”; try doing sth. “尝试做某事”

2. all over the world = around the world “遍及全世界”

3. play the guitar play football

4. it’s impossible for me to break that record.

it is + adj. +for sb. +to do sth. (it形式主语,to do不定式真正主语)

5. i don’t think i could lift it. (否定前移)


eg: i don’t think you can lift it, can you?

6. is there anything about a 56-kilogram donut? (合成形容词)

lesson 15:

1. it was full of her family’s photographs.

be full of = be filled with “装满;充满”

2. by the way “顺便说一下;顺便问一下”;

on the way “在去某地的路上”; in the way “挡在路上;挡道”;

out of the way “不同寻常的;罕见的;不挡道的”

3. mail / post / send sb. sth. =mail / post / send sth. to sb. “寄给某人某物”

4. h**e fun doing sth. “玩得愉快;过的高兴”

5. be surprised to do sth. /be surprised at sth. “对……感到意外”

lesson 17:

1. our basketball team has been invited to play in another city.

现在完成时态的被动语态:h**e / has been + 动词的过去分词。

2. sb. needs to do sth. “某人需要去做某事”

sth. needs doing “某物需要被……”sth. needs to be done

eg: she needs to mend her bike.


1.天生具有 学习的能力 2.依靠,取决于 学习习惯 3.在某方面有共同点4.对 感兴趣。5.对某人来说做某事是 6.注意,关注。7.把。与 联系起来8.感到厌烦9.熟能生巧10.害怕犯错误11.做笔记。12.摘抄重点词13.画思维导图14.寻找15.对 解释16.课间或课后。17.知识 于质疑18...


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