
发布 2022-08-09 00:00:28 阅读 2377

unit 10重点句子解析。

1. i love cooking, and i like creating new dishes myself.

句中的myself是反身代词作主语同位语,此时可放在句尾,也可放在主语后,故这句话还可说为:i love cooking, and i myself like creating new dishes. 如:

we can solve all the problems ourselves now. =we ourselves can solve all the problems. 现在我们自己能解决所有问题了。

2. astronauts need to know a lot about science, danny.

这句话中的need 起实义动词作用,后面的动词用不定式,表示“需要做……”另,句中的a lot起副词作用,用在动词know后作状语,与very much同义;about science 是介词短语作状语。如:

she needs to clean her bedroom at once. 她需要马上打扫一下她的卧室。

you can learn a lot about music in this school. 在这所学校你可以学到很多有关**的知识。

3. if not, decide what things must be done and what can be dropped from your list.

句中的must be done和can be dropped 都是带有情态动词的被动语态,构成方法是“情态动词 + be + 及物动词过去分词”。 如:

all the rooms must be cleaned every day. 所有的房间每天都必须打扫。

4. all of you h**e some great memories of this period of your life, and so do i.

如果后者的情况也适用于前者可用句式:so + 助动词、系词、情态动词 + 主语;如果前面的陈述句是否定形式,则用neither 或nor 替代so。如:

she has finished her homework and so h**e i. 她已经完成作业了,我也完成了。

danny didn’t go to the zoo. neither did li ming. 丹尼没有去动物园。李明也没去。

5. you want to keep your choice open.

这句话的主语是you,want是谓语动词,后面的不定式to keep your choice open作动词宾语。在不定式中,keep 是动词,your choice是宾语,open是形容词作宾语补足语。如:

everyone should keep the classroom clean and tidy. 人人都应该把教室保持整洁。

6. he said that he dreamed of visiting space when he was young.

句中的he dreamed of visiting space when he was young 用在动词said之后,是宾语从句;宾语从句中的when he was young 又是时间状语从句。如:

she said she would help me when she was free. 她说她有空的时候会帮助我。

句式dream of doing sth. 表示“梦想做某事”,这里用动名词作介词宾语。

her sister dreams of being a singer. 她姐姐梦想成为一名歌手。

7. i asked him for advice on how to become an astronaut.

句式ask somebody advice意为“向某人请教”;后面的介词短语on how to become an astronaut 用在名词advice 后作定语,对advice 起修饰作用。另,句式give sb. advice 表示“给某人提出建议”。

如:my teacher g**e me some advice on my study. 老师在我的学习方面为我提出了一些建议。


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