
发布 2022-07-27 20:12:28 阅读 1353


1、both his parents look sad . maybe theywhat's happened to him .

a. knewh**e known c.must know d.will know

2、he hasbeen to shanghai , has he ?

a. already b.never c.everstill

3、h**e you met mr li __

a. justago c.before d.a moment ago

4、the famous writer __one new book in the past two year .

a. is writing b.was writing c.wrote d.has written

5、—our country __a lot so far .

—yes . i hope it will be even

a. has changed ; wellchanged ; good

c. has changed ; betterchanged ; better

6、zhao lan __already __in this school for two years .

a. was ; studyingwill ; study

c. has ; studiedare ; studying

7、we __xiao li since she was a little girl .

a. know b.had known c.h**e known d.knew

8、harry potter is a very nice film .i___it twice .

a. will see b.h**e seen c.saw d.see

9、—these farmers h**e been to the united states .

—really ? when __there ?

a. will they godid they go

c. do they goh**e they gone

10、—_you __your homework yet ?

—yes . i __it a moment ago .

a. did ; do ; finishedh**e ; done ; finished

c. h**e ; done ; h**e finishedwill ; do ; finish

11、 his father __the party since 1978 .

a. joined b.has joined c.was in d.has been in

12、—do you know him well ?

— sure .wefriends since ten years ago .

a. were b.h**e been c.h**e become d.h**e made

13、—how long h**e you __here ? about two months .

a. been b.gone c.comearrived

14、hurry up! the playfor ten minutes .

a. has begun b.had begun

. has been onbegan

15、 it __ten years since he left the army .

a. is b.haswill d.was

16、 miss green isn't in the office . she___to the library .

a.has gone b.went c.will go d.has been

17、my parents __shandong for ten years .

a. h**e been inh**e been to

c. h**e gone toh**e been

18、the students h**e cleaned the classroom, ?

a. so they b. don’t they c. h**e they d. h**en’t they

19、 has mr white been a member of greener china since he to chinaa. how soon, comes b. how often, got

c. how long, camed. how far, arrived

20、 his uncle for more than 9 years.

a. has come hereb. has started to work

c. has lived thered. has left the university


1、he has never surfed改成反意疑问句)

2、they h**e been here since 2000. (对划线部分提问)

h**e they been here?

3、the old manlast year. hefor a year. (die) (动词填空)

4、this factory opened twenty years ago.(同义句转换)

this factoryfor twenty years.

5、miss gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换)

miss gaoan hour ago.

6、her mother has been a party member for three years .(同义句)

her mother __the party three years

7、the green family moved to france two years ago. (同义句转换)

two yearsthe green family moved to france.

8、the bus has arrived here. it arrived ten minutes ago. (把两个句子合并成一个句子)


1、 吉姆已做完作业,他现在有空了。

2、 他昨天收到一封信。

3、 我父亲以前到过长城。

4、 她还没有看过那部新电影。

5、 她去过上海。

6、 他这些天上哪儿去了?





3、c 4、现在完成时常与recently(近来),so far(到目前为止),in the past/“last + 一段时间”等时间状语连用。因为上述短语表示的是从现在起往前推算的一段时间,句中的动作是从过去某一时间或时刻开始持续到现在的。故4应选d。

5、c 6、现在完成时时常与“for +时间段或since +过去时间点”连用(含从句,从句过去时)。故6应选c。

7、c 8、现在完成时还与once(一次),twice(两次),three times(三次),several times(几次)等表示重复次数的词语连用。故8应选b。


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