
发布 2022-07-23 12:56:28 阅读 6029

初二上册第一次英语周周清unit 1 练习卷。

















1. 她在周末通常做什么?

whatshedo on weekends?


what’s your


let’s gothe


howdo you study every day?


the doctoreating junk food is badour health.


)1. —how often do you take exercise

a. sometimes b. three times a week c. at three o'clock d. in two hours

)2. tom likes to play___football but jim likes to play___piano.

a. a, a b. the, he c. thed. /the

)3does your mother go for a walk? —every afternoon.

a. how long b. how often c. how much d. how many

)4. would you like some breadi'm full (饱的).

a. no, thanks. b. yes, please. c. no, i don't like it. d. yes, i would.

)5. you are not healthy at all. you need to eat___fast food and exercise___

a. more, less b. less, less c. more, more d. less, more

)6. he usually goes to work by bike, but___walks to the office.

a. often b. never c. always d. sometimes

)7. —what is your f**orite fruit

a. potato b. milk c. apple d. beef

)8does kitty dance every day? —two hours.

a. how often b. how long c. how much d. how many

)9. many children often h**e milk and bread___breakfast.

a. asb. ofc. ford. like.

)10. —what __do you like best? —skateboarding.

a. sport b. showc. program d. subject


what is junk food? hamburgers, potato chips and chocolate are all junk food. it’s bad 1 our health.

do you like to eat junk food? many children love it.. 2 parents don’t want them to eat

3 junk food. 4 the children know 5 junk food is not a good habit, they still eat it. some of them eat it every day.

others only eat it 6 a week.

little tom is kind of 7 . he eats 8 junk food every day, because he 9 it. he never eats vegetables.

he is always tired. i think he must stop 10 junk food and keep healthy.

) 1. a. tob. forc. ind. about

)2. a. they b. their c. themd. theirs

) 3. a. too much b. much too c. too many d. many too

) 4. a. but b. soc. although d. and

) 5. a. eatb. eating c. eatsd. to eat

) 6. a. two b. the two c. second d. twice

) 7. a. unhealthy b. unhealth c. healthy d. health

) 8. a. a lot b. lot of c. a lot of d. lot

) 9. a. love b. loving c. to loved. loves

)10. a. eating b. to eat c. eatd. eats

六。 同步写作(15分)

写一篇关于你的生活方式(lifestyle)的作文,提示词: exercise , three times a week, go shopping, once a week, go to a movie, once a month, drink coffee, never, watch tv, every day等,可自由发挥,内容不少于60字。

my lifestyle


创作 朱本晓。2022年元月元日。武清区杨村五中八年级英语周周清4 一。请根据所给首字母或者汉语提示补全所缺单词,使句意完好通顺。1 there are 3,600 s in an hour.2 he had just made a cof the document 3 you can use a ...

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