高一模块1 5复习

发布 2022-07-05 17:38:28 阅读 7023

module 1-5动词时态复习。





he came yesterday. he will come tomorrow.因此说每一句话都要考虑时态问题。


.一般现在时(the ****** present tense)★构成形式:v(原\单三)

常用的时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever=seldom, never;

once a week, twice a month, three times a year;

every day\week\month\year; on mondays, on weekendnow and then, from time to time, at times







come,go,arrive,le**e, begin, start, return, open, close)

火车下午四点三十分离开6.由if, unless, even if引导的条件状语从句中;由when, before, until\till, as soon as(一…就)

引导的时间状语从句中,用一般现在时代替将来时。(主将从现)⑺如果明天下雨,我们就待在家我一回家就打**给你7.由nomatterhow\who\what\which\when\where或however,whoever,whatever,whichever, whenever, wherever引导的让步状语从句中。


无论你说什么,我都不会改变主意现在进行时(the present continuous tense)★构成形式:be(am, is, are)+ v-ing

常用的时间状语:now, at present, at the moment, these days, this term★基本用法:




这学期我们使用新的教科书3.表示将要发生的动作(远的将来),常见的动词有:come, go, le**e, arrive, start, move, fly,tr**el, stay.

他们将要在一周后度假4.可与always, forever, constantly, continually连用,表示赞赏或厌恶等感**彩。⑷他总是先想到他人现在完成时(the present perfect tense)★构成形式:

h**e\ has + v的过去分词★基本用法:


常与非延续性动词(arrive, le**e, begin, borrow, buy, come, die, join)连用,还带有不确定的时间状语: already, yet, just, ever, never, recently, in the past

他已关了灯自从我们上次见面已经六年了。(ps: it has been +时间段+ since从句,从句用一般过去2.表示始于过去持续至今的动作或状态。

常用延续性动词,与下面时间状语连用:so far, up to now, till now, for +时间段, since+过去的时间点, this year, these days

到现在为止,他共写了八本书今年你们学了多少单词3.表示到目前为止的一段时间内,多少次或第几次做某事。(this\ it is the first time + that从句,从句的时态用现在完成时)



1.–how long has this bookstore been in business?

a. afterb. inc.

fromd. since2. this is the second time that ireally relaxed for months.

a. had leftb. feltc.

h**e leftd. am feeling3. my uncle __in shanghai for the past two years.

a. is livingb. livesc. has livedd. lived4. so far, she __her holiday very much.

a. has not enjoyedb. did not enjoyc.

doesn’t enjoyd. was not enjoying5. till now we __any plans for the holiday.

a. did not makeb. h**e not madec.

don’t maked. would not makeⅱ.基础练习:


reading, but my sister __like) writing.

day i __get) up early and __go) to school on foot.

father usually __take) a walk after supper, but today he __mend) his bicycle

now.don’t know when she __return), but when she __return), i __tell) _send) for a doctor if you __be) not better in the afternoon.

long __you __think) the fine weather will last? who __sing) in the classroom?

8.–i can’t find my watchyousee) it anywhere?

yes. you __left) it on the desk yesterday. iput) it in your bag.

9.–where __tomgo)? i can’t see him here.

hego) shopping. hego) about ten minutes ago.10.-how __yoube) since i saw you last?

very well. thank you.

here for three months when i met him.ⅲ.能力训练。

house belongs to my aunt but shenot live) here any machinenot work). ithasn’tworked for many my regards to your lovely wife when you __write) would you do if itrain) tomorrow?

at the timetable. hurry up! flight 4026take) off at to the girls by the window.

what language __they __speak)?

and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. the planetake) the shopclose) down, all the t- shirts are sold at half price.

高一 15 班规

高一 15 班规。以下班规全体同学须遵守,如有违反班规者,按班规进行处分。如有班干部故意违反,则视情况严重程度进行处分。1 上课 自习 自修时间不准讲话 大声喧哗,如有违反者,先警告处分,若再犯,则单脚罚站10分钟以上 2 上课 自习 自修时间不准走来走去,如有违反者,则做俯卧撑20个以上 3 晚自...


1 词汇过关。2 定语从句。3 完型阅读。m1 unit1 课标词汇过关检测。一 重点单词。1.致力于,献身2.文学。3.满意 n4.额外的。5.西班牙语 西班牙人6.学业的,学术的。7.以前的8.交换,交流。9.毕业 毕业生10.流利的。11.极佳的,非常好的12.朝代 王朝。13.教授14.不知...


1 词汇过关。2 定语从句。3 完型阅读。m1 unit1 课标词汇过关检测。一 重点单词。1.致力于,献身2.文学。3.满意 n4.额外的。5.西班牙语 西班牙人6.学业的,学术的。7.以前的8.交换,交流。9.毕业 毕业生10.流利的。11.极佳的,非常好的12.朝代 王朝。13.教授14.不知...