
发布 2022-05-15 13:55:28 阅读 2382



1、e e g g 2、h h j j 3、o oq q

4、c c e e 5、w w y y


()1、a、fish b、pen c、crayon

)2、a、monkeyb、red c、bear

)3、a、seven b、milkc、eight

)4、a、bread b、arm c、leg

( )5、a、brown b、white c、bear

( )6、a、elephantb、ricec、tiger

( )7、a、leg b、bodyc、four

( )8、a、yellow b、blackc、crayon

( )9、a、face b、nine c、six

( )10、a、cat b、pigc、water


)1.—good afternoon, mike.

a. good afternoon, john. b. how are you? john. c. good morning, john.

)2. —happy birthday! miss white.

a. happy birthday, amy! .b. good,amyc. thank you, amy.

)3are you?

i’m nine years old

a. howb. how manyc. how old

)4. —this is for you.

a. sureb. thank you. c. me too.

)5. —how many cakes?

a. eightb. eggc. fine

)6. —let’s eat birthday cake.

a. i’m fineb. sure. here you are. c. great.

)7. —can i h**e some bread, please?

a. yes, i canb. sure. here you are. c. no, thanks.

)8. —what’s that?

a. this is miss green. b. it’s a bear. c. it’s red.

)9. —this is my friend, amy.

a. what’s your name? b. how are you? c. nice to meet you.

)10. —i h**e __eraser and __crayon.

me too.

a. a / ab. an / a . c. a /an .

四.读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答语, 将其代号写在题前括号里。(20分)

)1、what’s your name ? a、4.

)2、may i h**e a look ? b、my name’s john .

)3、this is amyc、h**e some bread.

)4、thank you . d、you're welcome.

)5、how many balloons? e、nice to meet you .

)6、how old are youf、sure ,here you are .


)8、good morningi、good morning.

)9、nice to meet youj、nice to meet you,too!

)10、i’m hungryk、i’m six years old.



a. thank youb. no, thanksc. me too.


a. h**e some bread. b. can i h**e some bread ? c. here you are.


a. hello! i’mjohn .b. this isyour friend, john c. thisismy friend, john .


a. thank youb. you’re welcome! c. no thanks


a. no, thanks. i’d like some milk. b. h**e some milk. c. show me the milk.


a. my name’s mike. b. how are youc. nice to meet you, too.


a. good afternoon b. good eveningc. good morning.


a. yes, i amb. thank youc. you are nice.

)9、sarah对你说“how are you?”时,你应该怎样回答:

a. very well, thanks. b. how are youc. nice to meet you.


a. i’m okb. here it isc. thank you.


three ②one ③four ④nine ⑤seven

two ⑦eight ⑧ten ⑨six ⑩five


john : i like hot dogs.

amy: i like french fries .

mom: ok! here you are . hot dogs and french fries .

john,amy: thank you .

amy: i like bread .

john: me too.

mom: ok! h**e some bread.

john,amy: thank you .mom.

mom: you’re welcome.

)1、amy likes hot dogs.

)2、john likes bread .


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