
发布 2022-05-15 12:01:28 阅读 8775


一、语音判断画线部分的读音是否相同,相同画(√ 不同画(×)10分)

( )head ( 2. morning work

( )3. they way ( 4. what who

( )5. apple face ( 6. she egg

( )7. kite bike ( 8. old orange

( )9. room book ( 10. music student

二、 词汇。

(一) 按要求写单词(15分)

反义词)__比较级3 .he**y (反义词。

复数同音词 (人称代词。




(二) 英汉词组互译(15分)

evening___2.看望我的祖父母 much better___

4.呆在家 a try6.扫地。

the hill___8.去上学 boating

10.看电视 the sunrise12. 去钓鱼。

a picnic___14. 制订计划 shopping

三、 选择将选项填在括号内。(20分)

( )1. the big ball is than the small one .

a. light b. lighter c. lightest d. the lightest

( )2. who is , li ming, liu yang or wang lin?

a. the fattest b. fatter c. the fat d. the fatter

( )3. a:are they your parents?

b, they aren’t. b. yes , they’re c.

no , they are. d. no , they aren’t.

( )you play the piano? b

a. yes , i can’t. b. no , i can’t. c. no , i can. d. yes, i do.

( )5. _are the biggest animals on land.

a. elephants b. pandas c. tigers d. monkeys

( )6. we are going to play football

a. afternoon b. this afternoon c. morning d. in this morning

( )7. mom and i going to the park..

a. am b. are c. is d. be

( )8. where the apples?

a. is b. am c. are d. be

( )9. a:where did you buy it? b:i __it in the supermarket.

a. bought b. buy c. buys d. to buy

( )10. let me __you .

a. helped b. help c. helps d. to help

( )11. a: h**e a nice trip! b

a. that’s ok. b. ok. c. it’s ok. d. thanks.

( )12. a: _are you going to visit? b: new york.

a. where b. who c. when d. how

( )13. there are many apples __the tree.

a. in b. to c. of d. on

( )14. she is the floor.

a. sweeping b. sweeps c. sweep d. swept

( )15. let’s go there foot.

a. by b. on c. with d. at

( )16. friday i h**e english , science and music.

a. in b. with c. on d. at

( )17. a: what do you want to __b: i want some fruits.

a. tell b. listen to c. go d. buy

( )18. it’s too expensive. please give me a __one

a. cheap b. empty c. strong d. beautiful

( )19. it’s __english car. it’s from england.

a. an b. a c. the d. 不填。

( )20. we often play __football after school.

a. an b. a c. the d. 不填。

四、 连线和排序。


are you from ? a. i’m cooking.

2. what color is it? b. he’s billy.

3. what are you doing? c. america

4. are you mr. smith ? d. yellow

5. who is the boy? e. yes , i am.

(二) 排序(5分)

how to send an e-mail?

a. type your friend’s e-mail address. b. connect to the net.

c. turn on the computer. d. click the send.

e. write the e-mail.

正确的排序应为 1.__2.__3.__4.__5.__


1. ame, are you mr. green?

b: no, _not.

2. a: hello! this is annie. may i __to linda?

b: i’m sorry. she __at home.

3. a:happy new year !

b4. a:__are you?

b: fine, thank you .

5. a:sit down, _


1. there is some bread in the bag .(变为一般疑问句)

bread in the bag ?

has lunch at 11:40. (变为否定句)

helunch at 11:40.

3. i go to school by bike.(就画线部分提问)

do you go to school?

4. it’s 9:13 .(就画线部分提问)

is it ?

5. that coat is expensive.(变为同义句)

that coat .


our school is a big school . there are thirty-six classes. and there are three beautiful gardens.

we h**e two art rooms , two music rooms , and three computer rooms. there is a computer in my class . welcome to our school , dear friends!

remember? there is a tall tree in front of our school.


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