2019 三年级 上 英语期中试题

发布 2022-05-15 11:10:28 阅读 5351



part 1 听力部分(40分)

一. 把你所听到的字母,数字,单词,短语或句子的序号填在题前括号里。(10分)

) 1. a. jfgl b. keci c. hmdj

) 2. a. two b. three c. four

) 3. a. monkey

) 4. a. his name b. your name c. her name

) 5. a. my brother b. my father c. my mother

) 6. a. what’s this? b. who’s the boy? c. what’s her name?

) 7. a. can you fly? b. can you read? c. can you sing?

) 8. a. he’s a student. b. he’s a teacher. c. she’s a teacher.

) 9. a. good morning. b. good afternoon. c. goodbye.

) 10. a. hey,tony. b. hello,jenny. c. hi, gogo.

二. 听问句,选答语。(10分)

) 1. a. i’m fine,thank. b. i’m tony. c. he’s my friend.

) 2. a. yes, i can. b. no, i can cook. c. no, i can.

) 3. a. my name’s gogo. b. her name’s lisa. c. his name’s tony.

) 4. a. it’s a book. b. i’m a teacher. c. that is an apple.

) 5. a. she’s my friend. b. he’s my teacher. c. he’s a student.

三. 听音判断对错,对的写“t”, 错的写“f”。(8分)

四. 听录音,排列正确顺序。(8分)

五. 听音补全对话。(4分)

a: nice to meet you! _your name?

b: my name __tony. and you?

a: i’m lisa. _the girl?

b: she’s jenny. she’s my

part 2 笔试部分 (58分)

一. 按字母表的顺序默写字母hh—oo.(4分)

二. 按照手写体抄写句。(4分)

1. can you swim? no, i can’t.

her name? her name’s ms. black.

二. 选择正确的字母补全单词,并在后面的括号里译出汉语。(10分)

) 1. r_ _d b. ea c. eo

) 2. p_ _ent a. ar b. ra c. er

) 3. br_ _ther a. u b. o c. e

) 4. t_ ble a. o b. e c. a

) 5. wh_ a. a b. o c. u

三. 根据情景选择最佳答案。(6分)

) 1.你想知道妹妹带回来的同学的名字,可以问:

a.what’s your name? b. who’s he? c. what’s this?

) 2. tony 看见朋友gogo时会说: a. hello, gogo.

b. goodbye, gogo. c. nice to meet you, tony.

) 3. 你妈妈想知道在弟弟的书包里的是什么,会问他:

a. who’s he? b. what’s this? c. this a dog.

) 4.你告诉老师说你自己会煮饭,可以说: a. can you cook?

b. you can cook. c. i can cook.

) 5. 你告诉妈妈, 在那边的那个妇女是你的老师,可以说:

a.he’s my teacher. b. she’s my teacher. c. who’s she?

) 6. 别人对你说:nice tomeet you. 你会回答说:

a. goodbye. b. good morning. c. nice to meet you,too.

四. 单项选择。(8分)

) 1. _he? he’s my father. a. who b. who’s c. what’s

) 2. _this? it’s an elephant. a. what b. who’s c. what’s

) 3i’m fine, thank you. a. what’s your name?

b. who’s she? c. how are you?

) 4. can you swim, tony? no

a. i can. b. he can’t. c. i can’t.

) 5. this __my student, peter. a. are b. is c. am

) 6. who’s that __she’s my sister. a. boy b. a girl c. girl

) 7. my father __swim. a. can b. is c. are

) 8. what’s this ? it’s __insect. a. a b. /c. an

五. 选出不同类的一项。(6分)

) 1. a. desk b. table c. chair d. cook

) 2. a. her b. he c. his d. my

) 3. a. sister b. father c. mother d. teacher

) 4. a. monkey b. melon c. apple d. banana

) 5. a. nose b. ox c. dog d. fish

) 6. a. book b. pen c. elephant d. eraser

六. 看图完成句子。(8分)

1. a: can youb: yes, i can.

2. a: what’s this ? b: it’s a __

3. a: what __your name?

b: _name is lisa.

4. a: _he? b: he’s my __

5. a: _is this? b: it’s a __


1. my/teacher/that’s

2. are/you/how

3. boy/that/who’s

4. name/your/what’s


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