2023年中考英语阅读理解解题技巧与练习 带答案

发布 2022-05-13 11:08:28 阅读 8914










1. 抓住四个"w"和一个"h",就是边读边用铅笔做些标记,把what (事件),when(时间),where(地点),why(原因),how(经过)划出来。抓住了四个“w”和一个“h”,就抓住了文章的全貌,一些直接性的问题便可解决。


3. 注意领会文章的寓意。



① 直接解题法。即从原文中直接找出答案。

② 归纳解题法。对于不能从原文中直接找出答案的可在把握全文中心和线索的前题下进行概括、归纳得出正确答案。

③ 综合推理法。读者需统观全文,认真分析,综合推理及至计算,最后归纳出正确答案。

题干中有"suggest, conclude, conclusion, probably, reason, because, according to“等字眼时,属于推断概括型,考查内容着眼于全篇,考生应具备一定的分析归纳,推理等逻辑思维能力。

④ 捕捉关键词。在阅读时应该注意与问题相关的同义词,近义词,反义词或同位词等信息词来得出正确答案。

⑤ 转换解题法。即原文这么说,而在问题和所给选项中则用另外的词去转换一种说法,但仍表示同一含义。

⑥ 排除法。根据语言,句法结构,信息词和常识,在没有把握的选项中用排除法得出正确答案。




passage 1(2018滨州)

in this life, what did you miss?”

the wife asked the husband when she was 25. despondently (沮丧地), the husband replied, “i missed a new job chance.”

when she was 35, the husband angrily told her that he had just missed the bus.

at the age of 45, the husband sadly said,“i missed the chance seeing my close relative before his last breath.”

at 55, the husband said disappointedly, “i missed a good chance to retire(退休).”

at 65, the husband hurriedly replied, “i missed visiting my dentist.”

at 75, the wife did not ask the husband any more, she was very the question the wife used to ask him, this time the husband asked the wife the same question. the wife, with a smile and peaceful look, replied, “in this life, i did not miss h**ing you!”

the husband was full of tears. he always thought they could be together forever. he was always busy with work and other things.

he had never thought of his wife. the husband g**e a big hug to the wife and said, “over 50 years, how i had allowed myself to miss your deep love for me.”

life does not last forever, so always live in the now. don't neglect(忽视) the loved ones who care for you. express your gratitude (感激) to your loved ones in words.

show your love with actions. treat every day as the last day of life. in this way, when you are gone, your loved ones would h**e nothing to feel sorry about.

( )1. every time the wife asked the husband what he missed in his life, the husband never thought of

a. himself b. money c. his job d. his wife

)2. what did the husband realize at last?

a. his wife was too tired.

b. his wife would die down.

c. his wife loved him very much.

d. he should ask his wife the same question.

)3. from the passage, we know the wife was

a. loving and patient b. outgoing and careless

c. caring and shy d. unhealthy

)4. according to the passage, which of the following is true?

a. the husband didn't love his wife at all.

b. the husband's close relative died when his wife was 45.

c. the husband wasn't always busy with his work and other things.

d. when people are gone, their loved ones usually h**e nothing to feel sorry about.

)5. what does the writer suggest us doing in the passage?

a. doing many things for our family.

b. treating every day as the best day of life.

c. letting our loved ones know about our care and love.

d. asking our family the question what they missed in their life.

passage 2(2018攀枝花)

in a cold winter, a couple had to move out of their big house because of bankruptcy(破产).the husband worked day and night but with no care of his wife. so she thought,“he doesn't love me anymore; he just thinks about his work.”

one day, she wanted to take a shower, but her husband stopped her at the door.“let me take it first, ok?”“why not let me take it first?

” she asked.“i'm tired, dear. you take it later, ok?

”she was very sad.

on a rainy day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer. after a few minutes, her eyes were full of tears...here was his diary:

today, i was quite sad. my wife asked me why i was always taking the shower first, and i said i was tired. she was unhappy.

i wasn't as rich as before! we moved to the small house and it was very cold. i found that if one person took the shower first, the bathroom could get a little warmer.

so i always rushed to the bathroom first. when she took the shower, the bathroom could get warmer, at least 1℃. i can't give her more, but at least i can give her 1℃ love.


一 初中阅读理解考查的主要内容。首先,初中英语试题中的阅读文章题材多样 涉及政治经济 社会文化 风俗习惯 历史地理 科学技术等各个方面 体裁形式丰富 包括记叙文 说明文 议 应用文以及新闻报道 广告 通知 操作说明 等 这就需要考生在平时对各方面的知识都有所积累。其次,阅读理解主要是考查考生综合使用...


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