
发布 2022-01-14 20:11:28 阅读 3360

we all love books, so in 2015, we’re pledging to become better readers.我们都是好书之人,2023年就让我们变成更好的读者吧。

1. read a classic novel.读一本经典**。

you’ve **oided moby dick and ulysses long enough.2014 is the time to tacklethese classic tales.



books to your friends.向你的朋友推荐好书。

read something amazing? then you should shout it from the rooftops. don’t keepthose hidden gems to yourself, share your reading recommendations with those youlove.


3. and stop them from reading the bad ones.还要阻止你的朋友看坏书。

friends don’t let friends read 50 shades.


movie4. read the book before the movie.看电影之前读原著。

lots of movies are releasing in 2014 that are based on some stellar books. this isyour chance to compare the two and see which is superior. spoiler:

the book usuallywins out.

许多2023年即将上映的电影是根据精彩**改编的。你可以借此机会两相比较,看看电影和书籍哪个更出彩。剧透:书籍往往更精彩。stay in

5. stay in on a saturday night and get lost in a new world.在周六晚上宅家看书,沉醉于虚构世界中。

bars and clubs are overrated. instead, we’re spending our saturday nights in narniaand panem.


book club

6. join a book club.参加一个读书俱乐部。

book lovers of the world, unite!全世界的书虫们,团结起来吧!local

7. shop at your local, independent bookstore.在当地的小书店里逛逛。

they’re friendly, we promise!我们保证书店老板会很和气。signing

8. go to a signing and buy the book.参加一个签售会,买本书。

both the author and the bookseller will appreciate it.作者和书商都会感谢你的出席。blog

9. post your book reviews on a blog.在博客上发表你的读后感。

it doesn’t matter where you post it, because your opinion matters! if you readsomething you enjoy, rate and review regularly.


10. try reading a new genre you h**e **oided in the past.尝试一种你从未涉足的书籍类型。

genre stereotypes are so 2013. in the new year, try reading a genre you’ve neverread before. it may open up some doors for you.


11. set a book reading goal.制定一份读书计划。

can you read 30 books in year? a book a week? challenge yourself and get toreading.


up the words you don’t understand instead of skipping over them.遇到不懂的词查词典,而不是跳过。

and then you can impress your friends with your vocabulary knowledge.词汇量的增长会让你的朋友们对你刮目相看。


13. get the non-reader in your life to start reading.让你身边不读书的人开始读书。

we all h**e that person in our life who insists they don’t like to read. this is the yearto change that.



月份。8月。9月。必背诗文。检查情况。必读诗文。检查情况。选读诗文。检查情况。滁州西涧 终南山 小池 秋思 长相思 初春小雨 子夜吴歌 泊船瓜洲 作文指导报 高年。级。版或相关报刊。小学生学习报 高。年级版。收看 新闻联播 1 水浒传 2 假如给我三天光明 3 作文指导报 高年级版或相关报刊。4 小...


关键词 总结读书目录 文字 推荐 何以夕 收藏。2014年,零零散散读了几本书,体味了久违的阅读的快乐。这一年,发了工资就买书,不知不觉买了两 三百本,书架已是满满当当。2015年跟不二约定,他陪着我,我们两个要把书架上的书看完 o o 平时没有做读书笔记,每本书读完,只随手发了条微博。整理如下 1...


月份8月9月。必背诗文。检查情况。必读诗文。检查情况。选读诗文。检查情况。江畔独步寻花 菊花 九月九日忆山。东兄弟 夜书所见 小儿垂钓 江上渔者 绝句 迟日 作文指导报 或相关报刊。中外神话传说 作文指导报 或。相关报刊。一千零一夜 作文指导报 或相关。报刊。收看 新闻联播 朱子家训 收看 新闻联播...