广东中考2024年度 名词真题 附答案

发布 2022-01-10 09:12:28 阅读 2225

1. (2013佛山一模)-what’s the meaning of nba?-it means

a.不明飞行物 b.英国广播公司c.(美国)全国篮球协会 d.联合国。

2. (2013茂名一模)_would you like some

like fruit very much.

a. potatoes b,bananas c. milk

3. (2013 汕头模拟)一wonderful news report he wrote!all of us were proud of him.

a, what a b. what d. how a

4.(2013湛江—模)we can get muchabout the h7n9 bird flu on the internet.

c. example d. information

5.(2013从化一模)-i like the new teacher.

me, too. yesterday she g**e meon studying chinese.

a. some advices b. an advice c. many advices d. some advice

6.(2013深圳十校二联)-who will give us a lecture on day?

aboy from class l0. he is so cute.

a. teacher’s; 12-year-oldb. teachers’; 12-years old

c. teachers’; 12-year-oldd. teacher’s; 12-years-old

7.(2013深圳二模)-what are thedoctors doing there?

they are busythe injured people.

a. woman;help to help helping helping

1.c nba的全称是national basketball association,是美国第一大职业篮球联赛,也是公认的世界上最高水平的篮球赛事。

2.b 由答句中的fruit(水果)可知,问句中填填bananas(香蕉)。


4.d 句意:我们可以从网上获取很多关于h7n9禽流感的信息。 get

information about sth.意为“获取关于……的信息”。

advice意为“建议,意见”,是不可数名词。give sb. some advice意为“给某人一些建议”,相当于give sb. some suggestions。

teachers’ day意为“教师节”。12-year-old意为“12岁的”,用连词符连接,构成形容诃,year不用复数。句意:


”名词woman修饰另一个名词时,用其复数形式。women doctors意为“女医生”。be busy doing sth.




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