
发布 2021-12-30 16:24:28 阅读 9400







1. a. for several timesb. since two days agoc. at times.

2. a. sorry, i won’tb. ok, i willc. that’s all right.

3. a. what a shameb. it’s a pityc. h**e a good trip.

4. a. it was invented in 1896. b. it was made in china. c. it was made by hand.

5. a. good ideab. that sounds exciting! c. i’m afraid not.



6. when can the man meet mr. black?

a. next monthb. next sundayc. next monday.

7. what are they talking about?

a. how to deal with old books and clothes. b.

how to keep safe. c. where to buy clothes.

8. where does the terrible gas come from?

a. a garbage stationb. a ***** factoryc. a factory nearby.

9. what does the boy mean?

a. he can’t understand englishb. his oral english isn’t good.

c. he doesn’t want to stay in america.

10. where was the digital camera developed?

a. in japanb. in chinac. in america.


听第11段材料,回答第11至12小题。听之前你有5秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有5 秒钟时间作答。

11. how much rubbish do people throw away in daniel’s city every day?

a. 8,000 tonsb. 800 tons. c.80 tons.

12. why was daniel feel sorry?

a. because he wasted *****.

b. because he threw rubbish around.

c. because he spat in public.

听第12段材料,回答第13至15小题。听之前你有5秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有5 秒钟时间作答。

13. how many inventions did tomas edison make in his life?

a. over 10,000b. over 2,000c. over 1,000.

14. when did tomas edison die?

a. in 1930b. in 1931c. in 1831.

15. why do people turn off lights for an hour now

a. in memory of tomas edisonb. s**e energyc. both a and b.



16. we can make study __first before class.

a. listsb. plansc. skills

17. in class, we sit __to discuss the problems freely.

a. in groups b. in pairsc. in roles

18. it’s time for us to __to the class after discussion.

a. give a showb. make conversationsc. practice in pairs

19. after class, we can __to open our eyes and our minds.

a. read english books, magazines and news*****s b. surf the internet c. both a and b

20. in the new way, we can make more __in our study.

a. knowledge b. chancec. progress


四、单项选择(共 15小题,计15分)

21.— how many times __you ever __to the west lake?

only once

a. did; go b. h**e; gonec. h**e; been

22. —did jim pass the english exam this time?

he tried his best, _he failed.

a. or b. butc. so

23. —what’s your plan for the vacation?

i __to shanghai with my parents

a. am flyingb. was flyingc. h**e flown

24. we should s**e our non-renewable resources, or they will __one day.

a. give outb. run outc. throw out

25. —though nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered __water, we’re still short __fresh water.

that’s true, so we should s**e every drop of water.

a. for; ofb. on; forc. with; of

26. —i was so busy that i didn’t look through the news.

___we can ask ms. li about it.

a. neither did ib. either did ic. so did i.

27. a true friend will neverfrom you when you’re in trouble.


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2023年秋九年级物理期末模拟试题 一

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