
发布 2021-06-11 09:56:28 阅读 9682



6系动词 + 形容词。


look 看上去 becomekeepbe is am are was were been

smell闻起来 turn转换变成 stay 保持sells + well 卖得好。

taste藏起来 get 变成remain保持the shoes sold well last year. a good b well c goodly

sound听起来 go 变得 go wrong go bad go mad

taste尝起来 grow 变成

touch摸起来 come变成 come true





2 比较特殊的副词:加ly但不是副词的形容词(ly不是后缀)

3 复合不定代词something anything someone等+形容词之后;

不定代词 who all some any ….复合不定代词 everything every one every body something someone some body any…

i h**e something amazing to show you ! do you h**e anything unusual ?

4 else/enough 的用法。

1) what else do you want ? 你还要别的什么吗?

anything else to take ? 还有任何其他要拿的东西吗?

who else do you want to see ? 你还想见别的什么人吗?

i thinks i can teach you something else.

2) enough +名词enough money enough water

形容/副词 + enough: good enough strong enough he ran quickly enough

5 such和so的区别。

1.1 so +形容词……that: so cute a boy

1.2 such+名词……that: such a cute boy

he is so excellent (a man) that lots of girls like him. 他是如此优秀以至于很多女孩子都喜欢他。

he is such an excellent man that lots of girls like him. 他是如此优秀以至于很多女孩子都喜欢他。

so many 复数可数名词 that

so few 复数可数名词 that

so much 不可数名词 that

so little 不可数名词 that

so … that… 如此的…以至于….

such …that …如此的…以至于…

6 系动词+形容词。


look 看上去 becomekeepbe is am are was were been

smell闻起来 turn转换变成 stay 保持sells well 卖得好。

taste藏起来 get 变成remain保持。

sound听起来 go 变得。

go wrong go bad go mad

touch摸起来 come变成 come true

grow 变成


一、 形容词变化规则。

1 一般单音节词未尾加-er,-est tall-taller-tallest great-greater-greatest

2 以不发音的e结尾的单音词 nice-nicer-nicest large- larger-largest

3 重读闭音节(辅+元+辅)结尾;双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-er,-est big(大的) bigger biggest hot热的) hotter hottest 注意:en ew on ow 结尾不双写辅音 slowwer (错) newwer (错)

4"以辅+y"结尾的词,改y为i,再加-er,-est easy—easier---easiest busy—busier—busiest

元音+y结尾的词,y不变,直接加-er, est, grey greyer—greyest gray grayer--grayest

5.其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more,the most来构成比较级和最高级。

often more often the most oftenimportant(重要的) more important the most important

easily(容易地) more easily most easily; more often, the most often. more famous , the most famous .


6.1 单音节(不加ly)副词(和单音节形容词一样)一般加 -er -est : near nearer nearest hard harder hardest

6.2 以-ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 the most. earlyearlierearliest quickly more quickly the most quickly

7 不规则变化 good/well - better - the bestbad/badly/ill- worse- the worst

many/much - more - the mostlittle-less - the least (few-fewer-the fewest)

far -farther -the farthest(距离) far- further - the furthest (程度上)

old - older - the oldest (比较大小) old- elder - the eldest (表血缘关系长幼辈)用法。

i can throw it father than you. i need to go to the us for further study 进修。

she is my elder sister, she is older than me.

比较(同级比较 / 2者比较 / 者比较)

一同级比较 :as +形容/副词原级+as

tom is as tall as jack

she could do as well as a man.

he runs as fast as i.

he is twice as tall as his son.

a dinosaur恐龙 can be 10 times as he**y as an elephant.

形容词 副词比较级最高级

形容词 副词比较级最高级。大部分形容词有原级 比较级和最高级的形式。瞧!说曹操,曹操到!他们来了!原级 hi!大家好!我是形容词的原级 the positive degree 即原形。一般来说,我总是保持低调,不与其它的人或事物进行比较。我常站在too,very,so,quite,rather,ni...


语法专题 形容词,副词比较级与最高级。班级姓名。一 概念 1 形容词主要修饰 表示名词的属性,特征或性质,在句中作定语,表语及宾语补足语等。大多数的形容词与副词有三个等级 a.原级,即形容词的 形式。常用修饰语 very,so,too,quite,a little等。b表示 较 或 更 常用修饰语 ...


形容词和副词。形容词顾名思义形容人 事或物的特点,所以多修饰名词性成分。至于用法,以形容词good为例,可做定语,a good question 可做表语,如 you h e asked a good man 可做宾语补足语,如 i find the question good。副词的英语是adve...