
发布 2021-06-04 10:31:28 阅读 2568


一. 名词。

1. 可数名词复数形式的构成(略)

注意:1)two women doctors,three men teachers

2)sports meet运动会sports woman女运动员。


information,advice,news,*****(纸不可数,报纸**可数)bread,meat,water,work,cloth,ink等。a piece of newa,four bottles of ink,two pieces of advice两条意见。


1)china`s capital=the capital of china

2)jane and helen`s room(共有)

3)bill`s and tom`s bikes(不共有)

4)at my aunt`s(在我婶婶家),the teachers` office(老师的办公室),two days` time (两天的时间)

5)a friend of my father`s =one of my father`s friends(我父亲的一个朋友)

a friend of mine=one of my friends(我的一个朋友)

some books of my father`s(我父亲的一些书)

6)body temperature(体温)evening suits(晚礼服)a bus stop(公共汽车站)oxygen supply(氧气供给)a story book(一本故事书)a model worker(模范工作者)the head engineer(主任工程师)the head teacher(班主任)mother deer(母鹿)students reading-room学生阅览室。



you ,he and i should return on time.你,我,他都应准时返回。

2)避免重复用that 或those代替前面提到的事物。

the weather of beijing is as good as that of qingdao.

the machines are better than those we produced last year..这些机器比我们去年生产的要好。


we h**e no time to do is our trouble.我们没有时间去做,这就是我们的问题。(that指we h**e no time to do it.)


what i require of you is should finish it in two hours.我所要求你的是这一点,你应该在两小时内完成。

三. 数词。

1) hundreds /thousands /millions of--,dozens/scores of---

five hundred,three dozen---

2)in the 1990`s=in the 1990s在20世纪90年代。

in the thirties在30年代。

特别注意:in his thirties在他30多岁时。


would you like a second apple?=would like another apple?再吃一个苹果好吗?

四. 冠词。

1) play the violin/piano

play basketball/volleyball


who invented the wheel?谁发明了轮子?


i like the fifth picture.

注意:why not try a third time?=why not try another time?为什么不再试一次?

4)the yangtze(rive)长江 ,the pacific (ocean)太平洋,the missippi (river)密西西比河,the english channel英吉利海峡the alps 阿尔卑斯山脉,the himalayas喜马拉雅山脉。

注意:asia ,africa,europe,south america,north america,oceania,atarctica七大洲前不用the

5)the chinese ,the americans

6)the rich/the poor/the wounded/the old(谓语动词复数)

7)by car/by bus/by plane/by air等。

注意:in the car ,on the bus等。

8)go to school/go to bed/in bed/go to hospital/in prison/send sb to prison等(病人,学生,囚犯等无冠词)

注意:he went to the prison to see his son in prison.他到监狱去看坐牢的儿子。

五.介词。1)in the east of china(范围内)

to the east of china(范围外)

east of china(既无the也无任何介词)


1)it 作形式主语,形式宾语。

it is important that we (should) learn english well.(形式主语)

it is said that something has been done to end the pollution.据说已经采取措施来清除污染。= something is said to h**e been done to end the pollution.


2)i found/felt/thought it easy get along with him.(形式宾语)

we think/ found/felt it no use keeping in touch with that company.(形式宾语)

3)like/hate it when---

i hate it when people talk with their mouths full of food.我讨厌嘴里塞满吃得东西在说话的人。

i like it when you sing.我喜欢你唱歌。

4)it is likely that he will be late.他可能会迟到。=he is likely to be late.

5)强调句型肯定句:it is/was+强调部分+that/who+其余部分。

i told jim the news in our office yesterday.

it was i that /who told jim the news in our office yesterday.

it was jim that i told the news in our office yesterday.

it was the news that i told jim in our office yesterday.

it was in our office that i told jim the news yesterday.(不能用where)

it was yesterday that i told jim the news in our office.(不能用when)


was it you that/who told jim the news in your office yesterday?


who was it that told jim the news in your office yesterday?

when was it that you told jim the news in your office?

where was it that you told jim the news yesterday?

what was it that you told jim in your office yesterday?

who was it that you told the news in your office yesterday?


i did tell jim the news in our office yesterday.我昨天的确在我们办公室把这个消息告诉吉姆了。

do come tomorrow.=be sure to come tomorrow.明天一定要来。

he does often come.他的确经常来。


1)it was midnight when he came back .他回来时已经半夜了。(时间状语从句)

it was at midnight that he came back.(强调句型)=he came back at midnight.

2) it is /has been+时间+since从句。

it is /hasbeen five years since i came to china.=i came to china five years ago.=i h**e been in china for five years.

it was/will be +时间+before从句,(还要过多久/过了多久就---


名词,代词,数词,冠词,介词,it用法,主谓一致。一 名词。1.可数名词复数形式的构成 略 注意 1 two women doctors,three men teachers 2 sports meet运动会sports woman女运动员。2.不可数名词 information,advice,ne...


导语 英语语法是针对英语语言实行研究后,英语语法系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。英语语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。语法时态。语法 直接引语变间接引语。直接引用别人的话叫直接引语,用来转述别人的话叫间接引语。例 he said,he will go to beijing tomorrow.直接引语...


a 从所给的单词中找出不可数名词并将其填入下列各句中,使句子通顺 意思完整。5分 place,weather,news,library,housework,metal,kite,money,island,juice,doll,noise,exam,salt,diary,sunshine,touris...